You may be suffering from up to 5 infectious diseases every day

Emotional synchronization in humans causes these "diseases" to spread rapidly in the community.

Do not be too scared! The "infectious diseases" here are essentially just behaviors and emotional expressions that we unknowingly imitate each other unconsciously.

Do not you believe? Try out some of these contagious emotional expressions in the following article.

1. Yawn

To function effectively, especially when tired, we often breathe deeply to pump air into the brain and "cool" it. That's why we yawn.

However, try to pay attention. Sometimes when you see a yawn, you naturally yawn. Why is there such a phenomenon?

Picture 1 of You may be suffering from up to 5 infectious diseases every day
Sometimes when you see a yawn, you naturally yawn.

According to some studies, people tend to yawn to others due to empathy or the ability to connect with others emotionally.

To demonstrate this relationship, psychologists at Leeds University (UK) conducted an experiment with 80 students. Each of them was put into a waiting room and watched a yawn repeatedly for several minutes.

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Ancient people live in closed colonies, so empathy in the community is very high.

The result is that psychological students - the field of study always requires the observation of people - for yawning reactions more than 3 times the normal students. This suggests that people with high empathy tend to be more likely . to get this disease.

Experts say the spread has been around for a long time. Ancient people live in closed colonies, so empathy in the community is very high. Furthermore, because yawning is a way to "restart" the brain, the spread is necessary to increase collective awareness.

2. Disease . scratching

Itching also has the same spread of yawning. And you feel "itchy itching" not only based on seeing someone scratching, but also because of your emotional level of emotion.

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Itching also has the same spread of yawning.

A study was conducted at universities in the city of Hull (UK) with 51 adults. After taking a personality test, they were shown videos showing some people scratching, then reported whether they felt like scratching it and how it felt.

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Seeing someone scratching will irritate the area of ​​the brain that acts as if it is itching itself.

As a result, about 64% of participants scratched at least once when watching other people scratching images. According to the magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, seeing someone scratching will irritate the area of ​​the brain that acts as if it is itching itself.

The results of personality tests show that those who are more emotional or "more likely to experience non-positive emotions" tend to feel itchy and scratch more than the rest.

3. The disease is laughing like an orangutan

Laughing is one of the most basic reactions of the human body. We laugh when we feel happy, feel comfortable. Moreover, laughter is also very beneficial for health, when it helps the body secrete nerve peptides, dopamine or serotonin - hormones that work to reduce stress, relax the body, lower blood pressure .

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But the best thing about this action is the spread. The reason is because basically, people often tend to follow what the crowd is doing. This phenomenon is called "herd psychology".

According to psychologist Robert Cialdini, comedy shows on TV are added with laughter in that reason.

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This phenomenon is called "herd psychology".

A little deeper, when we see other people laughing, our cortex is activated, helping to release fun chemicals like serotonin and dopamine that make our bodies more comfortable.

And when it's more comfortable, what we laugh at is like being rewarded with something.

4. The disease . trembled

Even feeling the cold can spread. According to researchers at the University of Sussex, just looking at someone shaking with cold or shivering is enough for the observer to feel cold. This is called temperature spread.

They conducted an experiment with 36 participants. These people will be able to watch 8 videos of actors with hands embedded in warm or cold water. In the meantime, researchers will measure the hand temperature of these people.

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Feeling the cold can also spread.

The results showed that although the body temperature did not change, the participants' hand temperature was significantly colder when watching videos with cold water.

This shows that these unconscious physiological changes occur as a way to empathize with others and to better understand their feelings.

According to Neil Harrison, a psychiatrist, "People are profound social beings, and human success comes from the ability to work together. In it, the harmony of reactions. Physiology can create conditions to connect emotions, help the ability to work more effectively. "

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These unconscious physiological changes occur as a way to empathize with others.

In the experiment, videos with warm water have no sensory effects, but this may indicate that people are more sensitive to seeing others being cold.

5. Stressful disease

Researchers from the Max Planck Research Institute - Technical University of Dresden (Germany) have come to the conclusion that, just watching a suspenseful situation, the suspense on the screen is enough to be mildly stressed.

They performed experiments on nearly 400 people, divided into pairs. Accordingly, a person will do math or be interviewed for a job, the other will sit and watch.

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Stress levels also change with intimacy.

The results showed that 95% of people directly performed stress hormone, but at the same time, 30% of observers.Stress levels also change with intimacy : 40% of observers are very nervous when they see their lovers suffer from stress. This number in strangers is 10%.

These results are not really surprising. For example, in everyday life, when someone is restless, going back and forth, we will also be nervous and anxious.