Discovering 300 billion 'objects' in the Arctic, harming the Earth

The report recently revealed that hundreds of tons of plastic floating in the Arctic could become an immeasurable threat to the Earth.

According to researchers at the University of Cadiz (Spain), this huge amount of waste can threaten the lives of many fish and wildlife if they swallow toxic plastic and chemicals that leak out. sea.

These toxic substances can attract other chemicals in the country to create "bases" of dangerous wastes.

Picture 1 of Discovering 300 billion 'objects' in the Arctic, harming the Earth
The Arctic becomes a "dead end" that gathers plastic waste.(Photo: Shutterstock)

"The total amount of floating plastic in the Arctic Ocean is estimated to range from 100 to 1,200 tons, of which 400 tons include about 300 billion plastic waste, " the research team representative said.

Plastic pieces with many different styles show that they originate from many places. Researchers claim that the Arctic is a "dead spot" for floating plastic waste in European waters and the Atlantic region.

Garbage is washed away to the North Pole by a ocean current in the Atlantic Ocean. The unusual point is that the density of plastic waste gathered in the waters of East Greenland and offshore Barent in Norway and Russia is higher than expected because these areas are sparsely populated.

Picture 2 of Discovering 300 billion 'objects' in the Arctic, harming the Earth
Huge amount of plastic waste floating in the Arctic.(Photo: Shutterstock)

The report points out that human-induced pollution could extend to faraway lands on Earth. Some areas accidentally become "gathering points" of plastic waste.

Before that, a survey of scientists on the French explorer Tara came and took samples from 42 Arctic locations in 2013 and found hundreds of thousands of plastic pieces / km2 in the East. North Atlantic.The vast majority of plastic waste is drifting from Europe and North America.

According to the researchers, huge amounts of plastic waste can also be found in large seas near the equator.

"The culprit" is exposed and the danger is unpredictable

Increasing climate change causes pollution in the Arctic to continue to increase and tends to continue to increase in the coming years.

Global warming may make the Arctic more polluted, in part due to the impact of shrinking sea ice. Researchers fear the pollution of plastic waste could "explode" in the Arctic.

Picture 3 of Discovering 300 billion 'objects' in the Arctic, harming the Earth
Plastic waste tends to increase in the Arctic in the future.(Photo: Independent)

Dr Andres Cozar, of Cadiz University, said: "Pollution of plastic waste can become common in the Arctic in the future."
Research shows the terrible impact of climate change on the world's oceans. The ocean is injured from human activities.

The study also revealed scientists' concerns about the significant impact of plastic on wildlife in the Arctic.

Plastics can have many toxic substances and enter the food chain of fish and many other marine animals. Poisons can seep into the flesh of animals and human bodies when we eat them.

According to researchers' estimates, the amount of plastic waste by 2050 could reach a huge number, more than the number of fish in the oceans.

Experts say that people need to seriously consider the problem of plastic waste pollution and find ways to minimize the amount of plastic that we use, so there are environmentally friendly designs for easy recycling, prevent and limit indiscriminate discharge of waste into the environment.