Scientists have found a new way to turn plastic waste into liquid fuel. This is a way to use less fuel than previous methods and create a better quality final product.

This will change everything in the way we consume and reuse plastic today.

According to statistics, every year up to 5 million tons of plastic waste is dumped into oceans around the world, and scientists say, this plastic trash is polluting the amount of

Plastic waste not only causes environmental damage, it also has a great impact on the economy and human health.

Captain Charles Moore's floating landfill in the Pacific region is said to be equivalent to the continental United States with a capacity of 100,000 tons of waste according to

The Indonesian Forest Service spokesman, Suratman, said the country's famous tourist island,

Environmentalists who conducted a sea expedition in early 2012 said plastic waste in the Pacific is growing more and more than they previously thought. According to CNN, the

After being used, pieces of plastic waste can be recycled to become materials for racing production, US scientists claim. New Scientist said recently that Oak Ridge National

Every minute, 15 tons of plastic waste is dumped into the sea. To contribute to the fight against pollution, a Canadian business partnered with three young Dutch girls to

Every year, the human world again