Over 200 shockingly hungry Norwegian reindeer

Information from NRK Television (Norway) made it impossible for people to be shocked: more than 200 starving dead reindeer in the Svalbard Islands in the Arctic region of the country that caused climate change. .

This is the result of a team test from the Norwegian Polar Institute after monitoring and counting the reindeer for 10 weeks. The Norwegian Polar Institute has been tracking and mapping the wild reindeer populations in Svalbard for about 40 years as this is a key animal species that helps humans learn about the tundra ecosystem.

Picture 1 of Over 200 shockingly hungry Norwegian reindeer
Scientists discovered dead caribou - (Photo: NORSK POLARINSTITUTT).

According to Gulf News, three researchers from the Norwegian Polar Institute said this "unprecedented large-scale" catastrophe was caused by climate change that pushed reindeer into serious food shortages, leading to death. hungry.

Researcher Ashild Onvik Pedersen said heavy rains in Svalbard in December 2018 made animals difficult to find food. Reindeer often graze everywhere in Svalbard and in winter the animals often dig for food in the tundra, they can dig through the snow but cannot dig through the ice.

Pedersen also suggested that a large number of caribou dead due to lack of such food showed that the climate warmed up to the wildlife in the area, though these areas were far from residential areas and hardly ever been directly affected by human hands.

But Tveraa researcher Torkild at the Norwegian Natural Research Institute said the animals belong to the deer and deer group playing an important role in Arctic ecosystems in Europe, Asia and North America.

The researcher said reindeer is a herbivore in the Arctic regions. If this species disappears, does not go for food, does not trample on grass areas and does not release organic fertilizer to surrounding areas, the scenery will be completely transformed.

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