Peru discovered a wall of reliefs built 3,800 years ago

On August 16, Peruvian archaeologists announced the discovery of a wall with bas-reliefs dating back to about 3,800 years in the Vichama archaeological site, one of the cities of the Caral civilization long. The oldest in America.

Reporter in South America quoted archaeologist Ruth Shady, who discovered the Caral civilization , said on the wall there are 4 human faces depicted with eyes closed.

The clay-built wall faces the cultivation fields in Huaura Valley.

Picture 1 of Peru discovered a wall of reliefs built 3,800 years ago
The wall has reliefs built of clay.

This building is located in the hallway area that holds ceremonies in one of the buildings of the Vichama ruins , northern Peru.

According to Shady, this new finding will help researchers to better understand the ancient tribal difficulties in Peru in dealing with climate change and water shortages that greatly affect farm productivity. career.

Since 2007, archaeologists have excavated 22 ancient buildings in Vichama with an area of ​​25ha. This is an area with many constructions built from 1,500-1,800 years BC.

Caral is one of the oldest civilizations in America, born more than 5,000 years ago. The Caral people live in the Supe valley, 200km north of the capital Lima.

Caral culture has reached a high level of development, with the construction of pyramid structures, complex irrigation systems and box buildings on a large area, while in most In the rest of the Americas, people mainly live in small communities and live on hunting and gathering.

The discovery of this civilization changed the way we look at the process of forming great ancient civilizations of Peru.