This is why eating chicken feet is good for health

Chicken feet have long been a popular dish in the world - especially in Asia, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Turns out, eating chicken feet brings a lot of health benefits, thanks to an important ingredient: collagen.

Picture 1 of This is why eating chicken feet is good for health
Chicken feet are rich in collagen.

Researchers at the Department of Animal Science, National University of Chung-Hsing - Taiwan, discovered that chicken feet are rich in collagen , helping to maintain the skin's youthful appearance.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, accounting for nearly a quarter of total protein. It makes bones, ligaments and tendons stronger, and helps skin wounds heal faster.

However, chicken feet are not only a rich source of collagen. It is also rich in hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate e - both of which offer many health benefits. Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in maintaining skin moisture, helping to prevent aging skin.

As for chondroitin sulfate, this is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain water, thereby showing its role in treating joint and other joint problems.

Interestingly, a veterinarian named Harry Robertson also studied the potential of chicken legs in producing neurons, bones, muscles, and tissues. The result of this study is a product for wound healing called Revital. However, this product was eventually revoked by the FDA because of the infection.

Picture 2 of This is why eating chicken feet is good for health
Chicken feet are a favorite dish of many people.

With the benefits it brings, chicken feet have long been a part of local cuisine in many countries, attracting the attention of tourists. Sam, a Canadian citizen wrote:

"This is a breakfast on my recent trip to China. Chicken legs are contained in a white box, cooked thoroughly, decorated with delicious soy sauce and green herbs. There is nothing to complain about, and unless you try at least one piece, don't disparage it. "

However, there are still some people who do not want to eat this interesting dish. This is the reason they give:

"Probably the same reason why you don't eat chicken head. What meat is there to eat?"

"I'm Asian, and I don't like to eat chicken feet because I don't like to eat skin. But I know many Asians and not Asians like to eat it. It's the kind of food you eat and you gradually see prefer".

"Can humans not respect animals? It is bad to eat it, now you want to eat its feet. Maybe it (chicken) is hopelessly dancing with a dead leg in heaven."
