10 mysteries about humankind

The basic anthropological questions always put scientists in endless debates, where many hypotheses were put forward and the answer was always left open. Here are 10 big questions of anthropology.

The basic anthropological questions always put scientists in endless debates, where many hypotheses were put forward and the answer was always left open. Here are 10 big questions of anthropology.

The mystery has no explanation for humanity

Where do modern people come from?

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The most controversial question in human evolution around the problem: where did modern humans evolve?

The hypothesis about Africa is that modern people evolved here, then migrated throughout the world, replacing the current population of the ancient people.

The multi-regional hypothesis suggests that modern humans grow on a large area from ancient people , which share gene traits through mating between members of populations. different, the end result is modern people.

Currently, the theory of Africa is still at the top, but multi-regional theory still accounts for a large number of people.

Where did gibbons appear from?

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Scientists discovered many specimens of the ancient ape, the direct ancestor of humankind and the most modern human species. They try to find the oldest model, to help answer the fundamental question in human evolution, such as evolution and time.

Do modern humans mate with Neanderthals?

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Neanderthals live throughout Europe around 300,000 years ago. They tried to adapt and survive for a while after the ice age before becoming extinct about 30,000 years ago.

So far, anthropology has been wondering: Are we a hybrid between the Neanderthals and the modern people? Do we have any genes left from an extinct cousin?

Scientists believe that the Neanderthals have become extinct, but that is because they have merged with modern people . Besides this hypothesis, there is an opinion that it is mankind who eats the Neanderthals in the process of competing for survival in the wild.

Why do modern people emigrate from Africa?

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About 50,000 years ago, modern people migrated out of Africa , spread rapidly across most parts of the world, then settled on all continents, even the most remote islands of Thai Binh. Ocean, except Antarctica. But what led them away from this cradle?

Some scientists argue that this migration involves the development of the brain and the body, and that humans are resistant to the changes of climate and nature . that is an important premise to help we reach out to strange lands.

The more popular view is that migration is simply humanity that has surpassed the threshold of population in Africa and this simple reason promotes a change in people's accommodation. In some ancient legends and religious writings, there are restrictions and constraints on living conditions and the solution of this problem is disasters ( cataclysm , war), or division glasses to reduce the population explosion.

The hobbit used to exist?

Finding a tiny stature 'Hobbit' skeleton on the island of Flores, Indonesia in 2003, may be the basis for identifying an extinct breed, (Homon floresiensis) or this skeleton is just an example of a variable form of Homon Sapien species?

Until now, scientists have not had the exact answer that the skeleton is one of the evolutionary links of humanity or just the phenomenon of individual deformation of Homon Sapien. The number of samples found is too small to help scientists confirm this.

Human evolution is accelerating?

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Recently, some scientists claim that mankind has not only evolved, but this evolution is actually accelerating up to 100 times the historical level. However, evolution is happening in a negative direction because people rely too much on comfort . The support group of this theory outlines the future human image: shrunken muscles, large heads.

However, besides this hypothesis is the idea that humans have reached the evolutionary limit . Interestingly, the supporters of this hypothesis put forward the cause of human evolutionary cessation similar to the above, which is due to the enveloping facilities. According to them, instead of training to be tougher than humans wearing warm clothes, instead of practicing deep snorkeling, people wear pneumatic cylinders . All laziness makes people unchanged.

Why are our closest relatives extinct?

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About 24,000 years ago, Homosapiens , not the only smart primate in the world, but also Neanderthals. Homon floresiensis mentioned above is also suggested to have a similar role. However, why the smart people survived until the above people only marked their existence with the bones found by archaeologists.

Until now, scientists have been constantly arguing about the reasons, including: infection or sudden change in living conditions or both have made them extinct?

What happened to our feathers?

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People stand out when compared to the "brothers" in the hairy primate family. So the hair disappears?

One suggestion is that our ancestors need feathers to keep cool when traveling on the hot African savan grass.

Another idea is that hair loss has helped us to avoid parasites and diseases that can spread .

An unorthodox idea, even suggesting less hairy people grow from our ancestors for a short time adapting to a life of great attachment to water. However, this hypothesis is strongly rejected by reality. Most mammals that live in water have dense hair.

Why do people walk on two legs?

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Why do humans stand and walk on their feet when the primate brother walks on all fours? Scientists still do not have a valid explanation. However, they offer many benefits from standing upright on two legs. That is: walking can really use less energy than all forms of quadruped walking; hands lifted off the ground to make more food; Vertical standing also helps control temperature because of the reduction of the area of ​​skin exposed to the sun.

Why do we develop big brains?

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The brain only accounts for about 2% of the body's mass, but creates an absolute difference between humans and animals. Surprisingly, the brain only works with a very modest productivity. Even the case of Albert Einstein 's "great brain" was discovered to be only a few dozen percent more active than usual, while being lighter and thinner than a normal human brain. A big question, if you know how to awaken the rest of your brain to function, what greater achievements can people make? This hope is being rekindled as scientists delve into the supernatural powers that appear in some particular cases.

Update 18 December 2018



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