10 nutrition experts recommend it all

These are foods that nutrition experts dubbed "the best in the world".

In fact, very few foods get the approval of all nutritionists. Some people claim soy milk is especially beneficial, others claim it is poison. Some people claim to eat a lot of fruits, others claim fruits with too much sugar and should not touch them. Some argue that milk and dairy products are a product of the devil, while others claim yogurt is God's drink.

Conflicting information makes consumers frustrated and confused, to utter the question "So what's really good?".

To answer this question, Byrdie's women's health and beauty website has asked 17 nutrition experts and doctors with different training and experience processes to list the best foods for the body. can.

As a result, here are 10 food items on the list of all nutritionists:

1. Blueberry (blueberry)

To date, no nutritionist can deny the power of blueberries.

"There are at least 15 phytonutrient types found in blueberries. They are all powerful antioxidants that can protect every organ in the body" - Michelle Babb, dietitian and is the author of Anti-Inflammatory Eating for a happy, healthy brain, speech.

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Antioxidants help protect tissues, cells, muscles and are especially important for cardiovascular, brain, and increased resilience after exercise.

Dana James nutritionist supplements blueberries to provide a high-carb diet, which helps support digestion and control weight. In addition, this beautiful little fruit has many vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium and vitamins A, C, K. With these ingredients, blueberries have many health values. , which has the effect of maintaining strong bones, preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer.

2. Green leafy plants

Green leafy plants such as spinach, kale are foods that no dietitian denies.

Green leafy plants are low in calories and rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, lutein, and fiber. , help prevent many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease. Good for the heart because of its ability to lower cholesterol. In addition, it strengthens the digestive system, liver and is an effective toxic food.

3. Butter

"I still call butter" God's food. " It is simply a perfect food: Butter is rich in vitamins K, C, B5, and B6 and contains many essential nutrients. "Bananas are also rich in fiber, which helps maintain a healthy digestive system," said dietitian Daryl Gioffre.

Not only that, butter also works to protect cell membranes.

"When cells are protected from free radical damage, they work better. That means you will have brighter skin, faster brain processing and more energy." Gioffre said.

"Butter contains up to 42 milligrams of magnesium in each half. This is an essential nutrient for the body but most of us are often lacking" - Dr Carolyn Dean said.

4. Beans

Nutrition experts affirm that beans are the "nutrient factory". Accordingly, beans are a rich source of plant protein, rich in fiber, help reduce cholesterol levels, control blood sugar and weight. In addition, beans also help the digestive system work smoothly.

"All kinds of beans are good. They are rich in iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc," said nutrition expert Dina Garcia.

5. Garlic

Garlic is super food of nature. It contains allicin, a plant chemical that has many therapeutic effects. Garlic is very good at fighting viruses, bacteria and fungi. In fact, garlic has been shown to reduce the time when we catch a cold.

Garlic also works to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, garlic contains lots of vitamins and minerals while providing no extra calories. Some nutrients in garlic like manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C.

The best way to absorb garlic's benefits is to eat fresh garlic, crushed garlic and not overcooked. Because allicin will be less effective when cooked more than 10 minutes.

6. Lemon

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This succulent ball with a sunny crust contains a long list of important vitamins and minerals, which support the digestive and immune system, very good for hair and skin.

Vitamin C in lemon helps to produce collagen and protects skin from free radicals - which can lead to cancer. Nutrient in lemon helps increase good cholesterol levels and minimize the risk of inflammation.

Nutrition experts recommend drinking lemon juice daily to improve the digestive system. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice as a salad.

7. Split seeds

This tiny seed is indispensable in the list of superfoods. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 and antioxidants, both of which are good for health. With 40% fiber content, chia seeds are one of the richest sources of fiber to help improve the digestive system. In addition, chia seeds are good for bone because they all have high levels of calcium and magnesium.

You can eat split seeds along with cereals, smoothies or stir fry dishes.

8. Sprouts

With nutrient content 10-14 times higher than regular vegetables, sulforaphane rich vegetables - biochemical nutrients increase the anti-cancer enzyme in the body.

"I still call sprouts a" raw food "- one of the most nutritious and best foods on the planet," said nutritionist Gioffre.

Moreover, sprouts are very easy to grow, do not require much space, care or sunlight.

9. Matches

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Nutrition experts recommend cooking a meal with rice or replacing rice.

Bran is a good source of plant proteins for the body. In addition, matches contain many important nutrients such as magnesium, fiber, manganese, riboflavin and vitamin B, which help the body convert food into energy.

10. Wild salmon

Wild salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and less toxic (like PCB) than farmed salmon. Omega-3 is especially important in reducing the risk of heart disease, strengthening good cholesterol, reducing the risk of depression and cancer.

In addition, wild salmon also contains the amount of vitamin B and aminio acid, providing the perfect amount of protein to help the skin look bright, firm and muscular.