10 special things in humankind

The ability to use fire, the sense of shame, the upright posture are three of the most important factors that make people different from each other, Livescience affirmed.

The ability to use fire, the sense of shame, the upright posture are three of the most important factors that make people different from each other, Livescience affirmed.

1. Live long after you are no longer able to give birth

Most animals give birth until they die or die very quickly after losing their ability to give birth. But in humans, women can live long after they stop giving birth. According to the scientific world, it is possible that human social relations help us to win the rule of creation.

2. Long childhood

Humans are cared for by their parents much longer than other primates. But according to the laws of evolution in animals, young children must be independent as soon as possible so that their parents can produce more later. This rule forces young children to grow very fast so their 'childhood' is quite short. Many scientists explain that our brains are too big for the body so it takes more time to develop and acquire knowledge.

3. Shame

Humans are the only species shameless. Charles Darwin - the father of evolutionary theory - once called it 'the most peculiar behavior of humans compared to other animals'. However, the scientific community is still arguing about why people are embarrassed. The most widely accepted hypothesis is: Embarrassing helps people maintain honesty and honesty that creates cohesion among individuals in the community.

Picture 1 of 10 special things in humankind


4. Use fire

Human fire control ability helps our ancestors see their surroundings in the dark and ward off evil beasts. The heat of the fire helps primitive people to warm in freezing weather and allows them to live in cold areas. Fire helps us cook and bake food. As a result, food becomes easier to chew and digest. Scientists believe that the habit of chewing cooked food causes teeth and stomach size to decrease gradually over time.

5. Dress up

People can be called 'bare primates', but today most of us wear clothes. Those are the things that make people the most special in the animal world. Even the development of costumes affects the evolution of many other species. For example, our clothes provide habitats for lice and lice. But many animals are also on the verge of extinction because humans need their skin and feathers to produce clothes.

6. Voice

The human larynx lies lower in the throat than chimpanzees. It is one of many factors that help people be able to speak out. In fact, our larynx lowered only about 350,000 years ago. The bone (under the tongue) of the person is also lowered over time. This horseshoe-shaped bone is special in that it does not attach to any bones in the body. That allows us to pronounce clearly when speaking.

7. Hand

Contrary to many people's thoughts, humans are not the only animals with thumbs on the opposite side of the other fingers. In fact, most primates have such thumbs. Most large primates have big toes on the opposite side of the other, but their big toes are on the same side. He is the only primate that has the ability to bring his thumb all over his hand and touch the tip of his little finger, pressing the little finger to the end of his thumb. The high flexibility of the hand helps us to grasp everything and perform clever manipulations with them.

8. Little hair

In fact, humans have a much more 'naked' appearance than primates because we have less body hair. However, the number of hair follicles per square centimeter of human skin is equal (even more) than that of other primates. The reason people seem more 'naked' is that our feathers are thinner, shorter and lighter than monkeys, apes or chimpanzees.

9. Stand up straight

Mankind is more special than other primates in that we stand upright for most of our time (except at sleep). That position helps the hands of the person to escape the task of moving to grasp the working tool. Unfortunately, our pelvis must be shrunk to accommodate upright posture. That change, along with the rather large brain of a human fetus, makes human birth more dangerous than the rest of the animal world. That is the price we must accept to stand upright. A century ago, childbirth was one of the leading causes of death in women. The upright position also makes people more susceptible to pain and muscle tension in the lumbar region.

10. Unusual brain

Nobody denies what makes us different from the rest of the animal world is the brain. People are not the world's largest brain species. In terms of brain size, we lose far from elephants, sperm whales and many other species. The brains of hundreds of bird species account for 8% of body weight, while the human brain only accounts for 2.5%. However, the human brain (only about 1.4 kg when fully developed) helps us to think, reason and acquire knowledge - abilities that do not appear in any other animal.

Update 18 December 2018



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