10 ways to reduce your risk of cancer from mobile phones

The nonprofit Safer Phone Zone page Because America's Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has published 10 ways to reduce the risk of cancer from mobile phones.

The nonprofit Safer Phone Zone page Because America's Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has published 10 ways to reduce the risk of cancer from mobile phones.

1. Absolutely do not leave children near the head

Children's skulls are thinner than adults; Their brains are still developing. Therefore, radiation from mobile phones will be able to penetrate deeper, more strongly impacting on their brains.

Picture 1 of 10 ways to reduce your risk of cancer from mobile phones

Absolutely not leave the phone near children

2. Leave as far as possible when listening to the phone

While talking on the phone, try to keep the phone as far away as possible (for example by turning on the speaker). The amplitude of the electromagnetic field (radiation) will be reduced by up to 4 times if kept about 5 cm away and 50 times more if about 1m away.

3. Avoid using when the signal is weak

Avoid using a mobile phone when the signal is weak or when you are traveling at a high speed such as a car or a train, because the wave intensity will automatically increase to the maximum when the phone must be continuous connect to a new relay antenna.

4. Do not hold continuously

Do not carry a mobile phone anytime, anywhere. Do not leave your phone near you at night like under a pillow or on a bedside table, especially for pregnant women. If not, leave the flight mode on or off.

Picture 2 of 10 ways to reduce your risk of cancer from mobile phones

Do not hold your mobile phone anytime, anywhere

5. Avoid leaving the phone head facing you

When holding the phone, always remember to have the keyboard face facing you and the phone head facing outside so that the phone wave does not shine through you.

6. Only use a few minutes at a time

You should only use your mobile phone for a few minutes because the biological effects are directly related to the time of exposure. If you have to talk longer, use a landline instead of a mobile phone.

7. Switch the location of the phone regularly

Change the position of the phone frequently while talking so that the electromagnetic wave does not focus on a single point on your body. When calling someone, let them catch the phone before handing the phone to the headset. This will help reduce the force of the electromagnetic field near your ear and the time you have to contact it.

8. Please text instead of calling

If possible, take the time to text instead of calling.

9. Do not use the phone on the bus

Avoid using cell phones in public places such as buses to limit the impact of electromagnetic fields on everyone around you.

10. Select the lowest SAR phone

Select the device with the lowest SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). SAR is a unit that measures the level of electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone.

You can search the SAR of the phones by searching for 'sar ratings cell phones' on the internet.

Update 15 December 2018



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