How to choose a safe cotton swab

The two heads of cotton swabs must have a sufficient amount of cotton, smooth, white and stick to the tip of the stick. Toothpicks need good elasticity, not too hard.

The use of poor quality cotton swabs to dislodge the ear causes too many postures such as falling cotton flakes, tinnitus, aches and hearing disorders. If a cotton swab cannot be removed in time, the patient may have ear canal ear infection.

Usually non-quality cotton swabs are produced from poor quality materials imported from China, even recycled from domestic plastic materials and waste products.

Picture 1 of How to choose a safe cotton swab
Choose qualified swab products to ensure good health care.

Ear problems can occur at any age. Many patients, especially children and infants, must remove cotton from the ear, as the cotton tip falls out of the rod. Even after being removed from the ear, many cotton swabs stick to dust and ants due to the poor quality of the cotton. The reason is, cotton swabs are packed in thin plastic bags, not vacuum packaging or not sealed and easily punctured, making ants easily accessible and even nesting in them.

In addition, poor quality toothpicks are very sharp due to very sloppy production. Many patients, mainly young children, use cotton swabs to make toys that have been swept into their ears, slipped, and damaged. Doctors recommend that many children have eardrums, ear bleeding and even pus, so parents need to pay attention to this.

Many Vietnamese people currently do not pay adequate attention to the quality of cotton swabs when purchased and used. They think that just absorbing cotton in the ear is good enough, but the quality of sticks and cotton plays an important role in ensuring ear hygiene and hearing quality.

Picture 2 of How to choose a safe cotton swab
Non-quality cotton swabs are produced from poor quality materials imported from China and even recycled from domestic plastic materials and waste products.

Poor quality cotton swabs often have little cotton on both ends, cotton does not stick to the tip of the stick, when touching the cotton, it feels sticky, fibrous and not smooth, cotton is usually white because of bleaching instead of having milky white like natural cotton. Meanwhile, toothpicks are often small or big, soft or very hard. Especially the size of the sticks, as well as the uneven cotton heads.

According to health experts, to choose the package, swab box to ensure quality, consumers should pay attention first to product packaging. Packaging must be tightly sealed, tightly packed with plastic, thick plastic box, origin and clear address of the manufacturer and the materials used. At the same time, the packaging should also specify product quality standards.

After that, pay attention to the quality of the toothpick.The rods must be equal . The two heads of cotton swabs must have a sufficient amount of cotton, smooth, white and stick to the tip of the stick. At the same time, the toothpick must have good elasticity, not too hard. To be more careful, consumers may also drop the cotton tip to check the quality of the tip to see if it is sharp. In addition, for imported cotton swabs, it is mandatory to have the Ministry of Health's accreditation stamp and certification.