12 reasons to eat a lot of fish

Fish is a nutritious food such as minerals, vitamins, proteins, DHA . very good for everyone's health.

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1 - Fish is a low-fat food and rich in omega-3 acids

Everyone knows that eating lots of high-fat foods such as special animal fats is not healthy. In fish that contain very little of this type of fat, they also have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids , which are particularly necessary for human brain development, playing an important role in the transmission of signals between cells. The key ingredient in omega - 3 is DHA is also an important component to promote brain formation in the brain and help young children develop intelligence. Omega-3 acids are abundant in fish and some other seafood such as shrimp, oysters .

2 - Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals

Animal meats such as pigs, cows . contain a lot of protein, but if you eat a lot, it is not good for your health, can cause excess protein, obesity, diabetes . Conversely, you can eat fish comfortably without having to worry. Fish protein is easy to absorb, good for the digestive system and heart. Fish also contain a lot of essential vitamins such as vitamins A, D, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iodine . Especially calcium contained in some types of fish such as salmon also contribute to strong bones .

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3 - Fish oil is good for children's health and development

DHA in fish oil is the cause of this beneficial effect. DHA helps newborns develop smart and bright eyes, while improving the process of developing brain function. Women who are pregnant absorb a lot of omega-3 acids in marine fish that will produce healthy, smarter babies than normal. That is the research result that scientists from many countries around the world have demonstrated.

4 - Eating a lot of fish reduces the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease

According to research results from Harvard University - USA, eating fish regularly every week will help provide the amount of omega - 3 needed to prevent the risk of heart disease. In addition, omega - 3 also helps to reduce triglyceride levels in the blood and reduces the phenomenon of blood clots leading to blood vessel blockage .

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5 - Reduce inflammation and joint pain

Many studies have shown that omega-3 in fish, especially marine fish, helps reduce inflammation and joint pain in humans. Types of omega-3 rich fish include mackerel, salmon, scad, and tuna .

6 - Helps reduce cholesterol levels

The reason is that fish contains very little cholesterol compared to other types of meat (for example, half as much as chicken). Thus it lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby boosting the immune system for humans.

7 - Prevent Alzheimer's and age-related dementia

According to a survey by scientists at the University of Guelph - France, patients with dementia are mostly people with DHA levels much lower than normal. Their other brain functions are also worse. Daily supplementation of fish and DHA helps older people prevent alzheimer's - a common form of dementia in humans.

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8 - An ideal diet food for fat people

Eating a lot of fish significantly reduces the amount of leptin hormone - which is associated with obesity. Usually in women, this hormone level is higher than that of men. Therefore, fish is a very good diet food for women and those who want to lose weight.

9 - Reduce the risk of cancer

Eating fish reduces the risk of cancer. Research on 35,000 women, in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 32% of people can reduce breast cancer when using fish oil. If you combine a lot of fish in your diet, it may reduce the risk of men developing prostate cancer .

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10 - Increase sperm quality

Although there is no clear evidence that fish can help improve sperm quality, some sources say that fish can help sperm cells swim faster.

11 - Eating fish helps healthy skin

Eating fish regularly can help your skin and hair be healthy due to the omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your skin and hair.

12 - Is a food easy to process

Not only good for health, fish are very flexible in the diet because they are easy to process, you can keep fish in the refrigerator and keep the fish oil content absorbed into the body. There are many different types of fish, each unique flavor and recipes to change the taste of each meal according to your preferences.