19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

There are 19 pictures of human eyes - windows of the soul, which clearly show fatigue, hatred or despair.

There are 19 pictures of human eyes - windows of the soul, which clearly show fatigue, hatred or despair.

The most haunting eyes of all time

Picture 1 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Dying eyes - Colombian girl Omayra Sanchez, 13, died in a volcanic eruption in 1985. In the photo Sanchez was trapped under the rubble of the house for three days before she died.Many journalists witnessed the process of changing psychology of Sanchez at that time, from calm calmness to painful writhing when facing death.

Picture 2 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Disgusting eyes - It was Elizabeth Ann Eckford, one of nine African-American students who attended Little Rock High School in 1957. She was cursed by a group of white people, insulting racial discrimination.

Picture 3 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Hateful eyes - Joseph Goebbels in the picture.Before he knew photographer Eisenstaedt, the photographer was a Jew.Joseph showed obvious hostility right in front of the camera.

Picture 4 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

The flushed eyes - Harold Whittles was born deaf, and this was the moment when she first heard life sounds from hearing aids.

Picture 5 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

The eyes of the victim of Hiroshima atomic bomb explosion .This girl was a lucky survivor of the American bombing of Hiroshima city, but she suffered severe body burns and lost sight.

Picture 6 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Eyes of fatigue - This is the haunting look of an American war prisoner after being freed by his army in Limburg, Germany in 1945.

Picture 7 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

The eyes of a stolen childhood - In the picture is a rebel warrior in Syria.I was only 8 years old but I knew how to hold an AK47 gun and smoke cigarettes.Deep in my eyes is probably the screaming of a child deprived of the most innocent days.

Picture 8 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Eyes of courage - The girl Bibi Asha, 18, was married by her father to a Taliban gunman when he was only 14 years old to compensate for the murder of a family member.Within 4 years of trying to escape, Asha had to undergo torture torture, then was captured by police and returned to her husband's family.Her father-in-law, husband and 3 other husband's husband punished the girl by cutting her nose, cutting her ears, leaving Asha to die.Later Asha was rescued by lifeguards and the US military.

Picture 9 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

This " Boy with Sapphire Eyes" photo is accused of being in Photoshop editing, but the photographer, photographer Vanessa Bristow has proven that the picture is real through many different angles.Many scientists believe that his eyes are caused by albinism in the eye.

Picture 10 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Crazy eyes - This warrior is shocked by the explosive bombs that repeatedly cause nerve trauma, leading to insanity, insomnia, loss of ability to talk or travel.The photo was taken in 1916 during the Courcelette Campaign, France.

Picture 11 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Fearful eyes - 15-year-old German soldier Hans Georg Henke was caught crying after being captured by American soldiers at Renchtenbanch, Germany in 1945. The boy joined the Luftwaffe German air force to feed the village. dear after parents died.

Picture 12 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Resigned eyes - "The last Jew at Vinnitsa was kneeling in front of the gun of German soldiers during a massacre at Vinnitsa, Ukraine in 1941. During this massacre, 28,000 Jews were killed.

Picture 13 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Relieved eyes - A surgeon breathed a sigh of relief after the 23-hour long heart surgery was successful.One of his assistants fell asleep right in the corner of the surgery room.

Picture 14 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Exploring eyes - Anne Fisher was the first woman to enter the universe in 1985.

Picture 15 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

The eyes of peace - The unknown soldier of the 173th Airborne Brigade during the battle in southern Vietnam in 1965. It was his clear eyes that said everything: "War is hell".

Picture 16 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Eyes of curiosity - The male group for the first time has been instructed how to use condoms in Papua, Indonesia.

Picture 17 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Praying eyes - A group of homeless people are raising their hands to receive the free food portion of a humanitarian organization in New Delhi, India.

Picture 18 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

Sad eyes - Brazilian 12-year-old Diego Frazao Torquato plays the violin during a funeral to bring his teacher.It is known that the late teacher helped me to overcome the brutality of violence and poverty through music.

Picture 19 of 19 most obsessive eyes in the history of world photography

The eyes of fatigue - Corporal Antonio Metruccio expressed tiredness after a non-stop 72-hour gun battle.

Update 16 December 2018



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