30 years ago, if you want to install a computer application, you have to sit all day to type in the code

However, this manual method saves hundreds of dollars compared to other methods at that time.

30 years ago, if you wanted the computer application, it took you a whole day to install it

Have you ever thought about typing millions of lines of code to install applications like Adobe Photoshop or Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? Even using these software for free, I think few people are willing to spend time wrestling with millions of such lines of code.

Expert Meg Cramer, a long-time computer technology expert, shared a string of code typing days just to get free software.

30 years ago, when most of us were still very young or not born, the operating system and storage platform at that time would indeed become a nightmare for modern users. Far from the present time, when we have millions of applications to choose from, easily download the application and install it through a single file, in the 80s of the 20th century, people using a computer to sweat if you want to install software on their computer.

Picture 1 of 30 years ago, if you want to install a computer application, you have to sit all day to type in the code
"Grandfather" Apple II.

At that time, floppy disk technology was also quite popular, developers used floppy disks as a way to distribute them to users. Accordingly, the floppy disks will be sold with pre-installed installers, it does not take too much effort for ordinary users to install the product on their computers.

However, the price of such software discs is quite expensive, ranging from $ 20 to $ 200 per computer application. This convenience is exchanged with a large amount of money, which is beyond the capabilities of most users. Even, even if you want to "use the temple" , users will have to sweat with typing millions of lines of code, like reprogramming the application on your computer.

It sounds unbelievable, but many people choose this hard way to save some money. More specifically, the code that users can easily find can be found in technology magazines published at that time. So, instead of spending a few hundred dollars to buy a disc to install the application, users only spend money on a magazine then spend some effort to retype the code on their computer.

But of course does not mean you can use the temple these applications. Although you retype the code yourself, you still need the application activation code purchased through the manufacturer. And yet, you should also use a line of specialized code to control the mess that you spend the whole day typing, otherwise your effort will pour into the river.

Here are pictures from "Compute!" with a series of lines of code for Apple II applications.

Picture 2 of 30 years ago, if you want to install a computer application, you have to sit all day to type in the code

Picture 3 of 30 years ago, if you want to install a computer application, you have to sit all day to type in the code

But today, things are a lot easier. All are automatically done via a single file, or you can even press a button to "Install" on the app market. You can even upgrade the software to increase functionality or patch. Nobody will spend time typing millions of characters just to play a game anymore.