4 exercises to help the elderly reduce musculoskeletal pain

Human joints and bones tend to weaken and age as age increases. But because of this, we become sedentary, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, falls and fractures.

Exercises help reduce joint pain

  1. These exercises help improve muscles - bones - joints for the elderly
    1. 1. Exercise stretching
    2. 2. Exercises to increase muscle strength
    3. 3. Exercises to increase endurance
    4. 4. Other activities
  2. The note when campaigning

There have been many studies proving that regular exercise will bring many benefits to the health of the elderly such as:

  1. Strengthen muscles around joints;
  2. Maintain strength of bones and joints;
  3. Help older people sleep better;
  4. Good control of weight;
  5. Improve resistance.

People over 65 should exercise at an average intensity of about 150 minutes per week, for 10 minutes or more per session. Especially for those with muscle - bone - joint problems, the more they need exercise.

These exercises help improve muscles - bones - joints for the elderly

1. Exercise stretching

Stretching exercises will help improve the flexibility of the muscles - bones - joints, reduce muscle stiffness and increase mobility. Stretching should be done in the morning.

However, stretching exercises should be considered based on the ability and health of each person.

Picture 1 of 4 exercises to help the elderly reduce musculoskeletal pain
Old people doing yoga will help relax muscles, reduce stress.(Illustration).

Some sports that can help older people relax their muscles include:

  1. Yoga and tai chi: These two disciplines involve deep breathing, slow, gentle movements and meditation. Practicing yoga or tai chi will contribute to increasing flexibility, balance and expand the range of motion of the muscles - bones - joints, while reducing stress.
  2. Pilates : Pilates help to stabilize joints and strengthen muscles around the joints. Those who are new to pilates should begin practicing with the carpet before practicing with the machine to ensure safety.

Picture 2 of 4 exercises to help the elderly reduce musculoskeletal pain
Pilates with ropes or mats will help stretch the muscles very well for the elderly.(Illustration).

2. Exercises to increase muscle strength

These exercises help the elderly improve muscles, thereby supporting and protecting joints. Weight training is an example of a muscle strengthening exercise. Remember to avoid exercising the same muscle groups for two consecutive days. Rest one day between exercises, if you have pain or swelling in the joints should take an additional 1.2 days.

Note that not all elderly people can practice weights, need to choose exercises, the weight of the weights is suitable for each person's health. A coach or an expert should be advised to avoid accidents during training.

Picture 3 of 4 exercises to help the elderly reduce musculoskeletal pain
Elderly weightlifters should have the guidance of experts to avoid injury to the body.

3. Exercises to increase endurance

Endurance exercises can improve cardiovascular health, help older people control their weight and improve endurance and provide more energy.

Exercises that can increase endurance with low intensity include:

  1. Walking : Walking is a gentle form of exercise that can help regulate the body, improve bones and joints. Older people should choose suitable shoes when walking and supplementing with water. Remember to walk slowly and then speed up when possible.
  2. Bicycling : Older people who have joint problems also have a risk of cardiovascular disease. So it is important to keep your heart as healthy as possible. Riding on the spot is a safe way to help improve joints and the heart.

Picture 4 of 4 exercises to help the elderly reduce musculoskeletal pain
Cycling is a good form of exercise for joints and cardiovascular system of the elderly.(Illustration).

  1. Swimming: Water helps support body weight so underwater activities like swimming may not have a strong impact on the joints. Swimming can increase flexibility, expand the range of motion and regulate breathing. In addition, it can also reduce stress and stiffness.

4. Other activities

Any type of movement, even small, can contribute to improving muscle - bone - joints. Everyday activities like gardening, cooking and walking the dog also have a significant impact on health.

The note when campaigning

Maintain regularly : Elderly people need regular exercise to achieve good results. If there are uncomfortable days, adjust the intensity accordingly.

Choose comfortable exercise: The following methods can help older people to exercise more comfortably with less risk of injury:

  1. Choose the right shoes to protect your feet and ensure comfort.
  2. Use non-slip yoga mats.
  3. Wear comfortable clothes that sweat quickly.
  4. Listening to music can provide motivation for practice and relaxation.

Diverse exercises: Should combine many different exercises to avoid boredom as well as to avoid making a certain muscle - bone - joints work excessively. For example, you can do yoga 2 times / week, weight training 1 times / week, cycling 1 time / week.

Adjust exercises by symptoms: If the body is not comfortable, can reduce the intensity of exercise. Intermingle high-intensity exercises with light exercises.

Listen to the body: In addition to maintaining physical activity, the elderly should also pay attention to avoid injury or discomfort. You should practice at a gradually increasing pace so that your body gets used to the intensity of the training. If exercise causes discomfort or any other health problem, stop and reduce the intensity. Rest when needed.

Nutritional supplement: In addition to exercise, nutritional supplements with calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, sardines, kale, fillet, etc. will help improve bone and joint, easy for movement.

Working with a physical therapist: Working with a physical therapist can be helpful in developing safe and appropriate exercise routines.

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