4 points should not drink coffee

Coffee helps you stay alert, increase energy. However, not every time drinking coffee is beneficial.

When coffee is too hot

Many people have a habit of drinking coffee as soon as it's done, while it's still very hot. Consuming hot drinks over 65 degrees Celsius may increase the risk of esophageal cancer, according to the World Health Organization. Normally, restaurants serve coffee at temperatures from 63-79 degrees Celsius, if you make coffee at home, you also use hot water up to 85 degrees Celsius. So try to wait about 5 minutes, heat Coffee level will be at safe level below 65 degrees C.

Picture 1 of 4 points should not drink coffee
Caffeine will not work if you sleep less than 5 hours a day for 3 consecutive nights.

When you are nervous, stress

If you are feeling anxious, your mood is not good, coffee may make this situation worse. Caffeine in coffee stimulates the nervous system, produces cortisol stress hormones, affects sleep, causes fatigue, and cognitive disorders.


Many people think that coffee is a natural solution to make you more alert when you are sleepy. But a new study shows that caffeine will not work that way if you sleep less than 5 hours a day for 3 consecutive nights. Lack of sleep causes a significant decline in cognitive activity and caffeine cannot improve this condition even if you drink a lot.


Drinking coffee at 6am does not help you increase energy. During the first few hours of waking up, the amount of hormone cortisol is at the highest level, helping you stay awake naturally. Therefore, many experts recommend the best time to drink the first cup of coffee is at 10 am to 12 am , when cortisol concentration begins to decrease.