4 'stars' Kim, Wood, Fire, Earth are aligned in the sky

Entering April, Earth will have the opportunity to witness a beautiful scene in the sky, when 4 of the 5 brightest planets in the solar system appear to align in the early morning sky.

Entering April, Earth will have the opportunity to witness a beautiful scene in the sky, when 4 of the 5 brightest planets in the solar system, including the "stars" of Kim, Jupiter, Fire, and Earth, will appear together. line up in the early morning sky.

Picture 1 of 4 'stars' Kim, Wood, Fire, Earth are aligned in the sky

On the morning of April 19, four "stars" Jupiter, Kim, Fire, and Earth will appear on the same line

On April 5, the dance begins with three "stars" gathered in the sky just before sunrise, including Venus, Earth, and Mars, according to the news site Space.com.

By the morning of April 19, all 4 planets will appear together in a straight line at a 30⁰ diagonal angle. Looking from the bottom left up to the right, in order are the "stars": Wood, Metal, Fire and Earth.

To the naked eye, all the planets and the Moon follow an imaginary line in the sky, called the Zodiac.

The main event occurred in the last week of April with Jupiter being 7 times brighter than usual. Meanwhile, the crescent moon emerges, passing below the planets, in turn: Saturn on April 25, Mars on April 26 and finally Jupiter and Venus on April 27- 4.

During the two days of April 28 and 29, the three brightest objects in the night sky, including: The shining crescent moon, Jupiter in the upper left and Venus hovering just above the Moon.

On April 30, Venus and Jupiter stand side by side.

The Far East sees them closest when Venus passes north of Jupiter. This is the closest conjunction between Venus and Jupiter since August 2016, when they were deeper in the bright light of the Sun. A similarly dramatic pairing of these two planets will occur in the evening sky on March 1, 2023.

On May 1, 2022, the two planets are still impressively close together and will draw closer each day, until May 8, 2022, Jupiter close above, to the right of Venus.

In the coming months, these two brightest planets will go in very different ways. Venus will continue to embrace the low eastern dawn edge until August, after which it will slowly set as the Sun rises. Then Jupiter will be on the other side of the sky, dominating the evening view.

Update 06 April 2022



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