5 potential threats to destroy humanity

Nuclear war, pandemic disaster ... are considered potential threats to destroy humanity in the future.

Nuclear war, pandemic disaster . are considered potential threats to destroy humanity in the future.

The more human society develops, the more valuable inventions are created. Many inventions have helped us take steps in society, but with it, inventions put the world in danger. It was considered a major turning point but also a huge threat that could erase humanity, bringing Earth back to its original starting point.

1. Nuclear war

So far, only two nuclear bombs have been used during the war in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Both of these bombs showed the world their tremendous destructive power and destruction.

But it is not so that the stockpiles are falling, especially after the Cold War, the number of nuclear warheads has increased dramatically.

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The nuclear disaster will kill hundreds of millions of people immediately.

There was a time when humanity stood very close to a nuclear war. Typically the Cuban missile crisis. That was in September 1962, the Cuban and Soviet governments began secretly building bases on Cuba to develop some mid-range nuclear ballistic missiles capable of hitting most of the above targets. United States continent.

This action occurred after the United States deployed missiles on the UK capable of hitting Moscow with a nuclear warhead.

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Winter nuclear will kill all living things on Earth.

Suppose the future happens a conflict between big countries. The risk of a comprehensive nuclear war among great powers will immediately erupt, enough to destroy hundreds of millions of people. But the scary thing is still behind, which is the occurrence of nuclear winter phenomenon.

'Nuclear winter' is a hypothesis that American scientists introduced in the 1980s of the twentieth century. Researchers believe that after the nuclear war, Earth's weather and climate will be severely affected. That is, the great nuclear war will make the Earth's surface temperature drop to a very large level.

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The nuclear war will make the Earth's surface temperature drop to a very large level.

Nuclear explosions in the air will make a large amount of " smoke " into the atmosphere. As a result, the vast majority of solar radiation entering the atmosphere is absorbed by this atomic dust layer and the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth decreases markedly. The sky was covered with smoke and dust became gloomy, so the trees could not live, leading to the rapid reduction of oxygen, and the life died out.

Therefore, every day nuclear weapons exist, the obsession with Apocalypse makes the Earth return to prehistoric times several hundred thousand years ago will always be present.

2. Pandemic disaster

Few people know that more people die in natural pandemics than wars. However, biologically, natural pandemic is not likely to be a threat because according to the conventional theory, there will be a number of people in the population who are able to resist pathogens. These people will survive and pass on their children to adapt.

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Human resistance is falling fast.

Recently, however, human abuse of antibiotics has led to extremely dangerous consequences. Antibiotic abuse has led to an increase in the number of greasy bacteria. This will make the most common diseases also dangerous because there is no effective cure.

Many antibiotics are being prescribed and used when not needed. This means that antibiotics are losing effect.

If we don't act immediately, it means that there are very few ways to deal with basic diseases such as flu, sore throat, urinary tract infections. Not to mention infectious diseases. another danger.

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The bacteria and viruses are getting stronger.

However, the more frightening risk is the existing biological weapons in many large countries. This stems from the US and Russia jointly conducting a self-defense weapon of arms race.

These biology centers are studying viruses and bacteria with the ability to kill many people and spread scary. And of course, we can hardly know what will happen if these creatures escape the laboratory.

3. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the term for intelligent behavior, learning and adaptability of machines. Today, artificial intelligence has become a science, with the main purpose of providing solutions to real life problems, programming machine systems.

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Does the robot become smarter than humans?

Many people believe that the existence of artificial intelligence depends on human decisions. Scientists have proposed the singular point hypothesis, where artificial intelligence transcends human intellect.

At that time, the robots will be aware of their own consciousness, feelings and opinions. At this time, however, it's hard to know if robots will become honest maids or human disasters. It will be more dangerous if super smart robots get deadly weapons.

This sounds ridiculous and the robot has the ability to think, emotionally like humans are only in imagination. But recently a technology named CEBIT has appeared. This technology has brought artificial intelligence closer to independence, thinking and can communicate with people vividly.

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Based on this technology in the future, artificial intelligence can also lie, talk about gossip or form bad habits like stealing . like humans.

Scientists say that when creating an artificial intelligence for robots - the first thing that needs to be done is to control them. If not, disasters that occur to people are unavoidable.

4. Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is a technology that helps people control problems with atomic or molecular accuracy. It is a very good industry for most applications such as biotechnology, energy. But there is a horrible hypothesis about this technology industry.

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That's the gray slime hypothesis - Gray goo . This is a scenario of Apocalypse called "environmental eating" - related to molecular nanotechnology. Accordingly, the nano robots will replicate themselves, consuming all the material on Earth to develop numbers.

These nanoparticles can act at the molecular level so they are easy to replicate, absorb, or destroy everything. The gray slime hypothesis proposed by the pioneer in nanotechnology, Eric Drexler in the book in 1986. In it, Drexler believes that these nanomachines can occupy Earth in less than two days.

5. "Suddenly" natural disasters

In addition to the predictable dangers, experts also point out other dangers that we still have not yet measured the accuracy of. The most typical is the sudden meteorite "visit" Earth, rapid climate change face or the appearance of . aliens.

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Climate change is happening more and more complicated.

The changing climate of the Earth is going on more complexly and people are one of the factors promoting that "acceleration". The increasing concentration of CO 2 and other greenhouse gases is one of the causes of global climate.

Many natural disasters, floods and droughts occur more frequently, destroying traditional farming systems, causing food insecurity in many places.

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The meteorite disaster is difficult to happen because of the low probability of collisions between celestial bodies.

In fact, meteorites are difficult to happen because of the low probability of collisions between celestial bodies. However, if an asteroid with a diameter of over 2km "visits" the Earth may also cause a global disaster.

The collision will create a concave hole tens of thousands of miles deep and tons of dirt flying through the atmosphere. This collision also caused earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, making most of the land on Earth become arid and virtually lifeless.

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What will we do if aliens visit Earth?

The danger of extinction by aliens is also appreciated by few people. But the great scientist Stephen Hawking has warned that aliens exist but don't try to contact them.

According to him, if aliens visit us, the result will be like Christopher Columbus set foot on the Americas and the result is the massacre of innocent Indians.

Update 18 December 2018



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