5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

Nature always contains mysteries, interesting things that challenge the scientific world.

The white rainbow, the stone that bleeds . are some of the strange phenomena that scientists have had to find a solution.

Nature always contains mysteries, interesting things that challenge the scientific world. Although science is very developed today, researchers are still trying to explain mysterious phenomena that sometimes call them "miracles".


The eyes of the Sahara desert , also known as the Richat structure - are located in Mauritania in the western Sahara desert. The structure spreads with a diameter of 40km on the ground.

Picture 1 of 5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

The formation of the eye structure began more than 100 million years ago.

Humans are unaware of the existence of this eye-shaped structure until the flight into space.

Two geologists, Guillaume Matton and Michel Jébrak, at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Quebec (Montreal), said that the formation of the eye structure began more than 100 million years ago.

At that time, molten rock rose to the surface but did not spread but formed a dome consisting of many layers of stone, like a large acne. This process also creates fault lines around and runs along the eyes. The molten rock also dissolves limestone near the middle of the eye, causing the limestone to collapse and producing a special stone named breccia .

Shortly after that, the eye erupted violently, collapsing a part of the dome. The abrasive effect contributes to perfecting the structure and leading to the present look of the eye.

Circles made up of many different rocks erode at different speeds. The lighter circle near the middle of the eye is volcanic rock created by the eruption.


Picture 2 of 5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

In fact, they are "living stones" - a unique marine creature called Pyura chilensis.

With this rough, rough appearance, many people will assert they are a rock lying on the beach.

But no, the truth is that the "live rock" - a unique marine creature called Pyura chilensis , is concentrated in Chile and Peru. More frightening, when cut off, they will reveal the red flesh inside.

Pyura chilensis possesses a simple nervous system - no central brain. Besides, the sex life of this small creature is very special. At the time of its birth, all chilensis Pyura were male, but as adults, they became bisexual.

They reproduce by spraying sperm and egg clouds into the surrounding water. If Pyura chilensis lives alone, it will reproduce by fertilizing itself.


Picture 3 of 5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

White rainbows can be observed in the thin fog when the Sun shines.

Rainbow fog (white rainbow) is created when sunlight shines on small drops of water in the fog layer at a suitable angle.

White rainbows can be observed in the thin fog when the Sun shines. Because water droplets in the fog are so small, the white rainbow has only faded or colorless colors.

According to some experts, white rainbows are as big as a regular rainbow but much wider.


Picture 4 of 5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

The crater contains an acid lake and blue sulfur is about kilometers wide.

Kawah Ljen is one of the mountains in the Ljen volcanic basin of 20km in East Java, Indonesia.

Best of all, the crater contains an acid lake and blue sulfur is about kilometers wide. At night, volcanic hot gases burn sulfur and create strange blue light.

Some sulfur gas condensed into liquid and continued to flow down the slopes, creating a feeling of blue lava melting.

5. Desert roses

Picture 5 of 5 strange phenomena prove that our Earth is extremely mysterious

This desert rose is the formation of clusters of gypsum or baryte crystals.

Even if you insist that this is absurd, desert roses are real! Seriously serious, these desert roses are the formation of clusters of gypsum or baryte crystals, consisting of a lot of sand grains.

On average, the size of a desert rose is 1.3cm - 10cm in diameter. The largest desert rose cluster is recorded to be about 99cm tall and 454kg heavier.

Update 18 December 2018



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