6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

Science can do very unexpected things, typically magic tricks in this article.

Science can do extremely unexpected things, typically the magic tricks in the article below.

Science is a field of hearing the name is dry, but finding out deeply, these two words are still not enough to describe the "dryness" of the subject.

Just kidding, science is really interesting. With science, we can explain extremely strange phenomena, turning impossible into possible. For example, the bizarre magic tricks below, you will see them challenging the entire laws of physics in this world.

1. Twist water "stand still" in mid-air

Water always flows from high to low and follows a single path if it falls in mid-air. This belongs to the laws of physics, without exception.

But according to the experiment below it is not so.

Picture 1 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

Sound waves are the cause of the flow of water into spiral lines.

The water in the image turns into a spiral and seems to be calm in mid-air in the final frames.

The reason is simple but no one will think about it. In this experiment, the water source is attached to a set of speakers.Sound waves are the cause of the flow of water into spiral lines.

But not all. The sound waves here have a vibration frequency almost similar to the recording speed of the camcorder. This similarity deceived the brain, making the water seem to stand still in the air.

2. Light candles from a distance

Picture 2 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

Just quickly and at the right time, you can completely perform this magic at home easily.

This magic trick can be done at home, just quickly and at the right time.

When lighting candles, the fire will simultaneously evaporate candle wax. This evaporation still persists even when blowing out candles. And if at the moment we add a heat source to the smoke, the fire will follow the wax spreading down and light the candle.

3. Magic tricks "fiery hands"

Have you ever dared to imagine that you will not embrace a fire yet? Here!

Picture 3 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

Absolutely not try this magic at home.

What is burning on the girl's hand is a mixture . dishwashing liquid, water and butane gas. They diluted dishwashing liquid, then gas in, wet their hands before scooping up some bubbles and . lighting up the fire.

The purpose of dishwashing liquid here is to keep the gas in the bubble. And because butane gas has an extremely high evaporation rate, there will only be gas on top, and the hand is still unscathed.

However, this is still a dangerous magic, you absolutely should not try at home.

4. Candle with ghosts

Picture 4 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

To explain this phenomenon can be attributed to Newton's 3 law.

The candle is "suspended" in the middle of 2 cups of water as shown in the balance position. Something after lighting candles, the candle itself . moves like a ghost.

The cause of the phenomenon can be explained by Newton's Law 3 : "In all cases, when object A acts on object B a force, then object B also re-effects object A, a force. These two forces have the same price. treatment, the same size, but the opposite ".

That is, when a candle tip comes out, the other end of the candle will be heavier and lower a little, creating lift with the other end. And according to Newton's law of 3, there will be another lift that acts backwards, and the candle continues to rise and fall.

5. Create a fireball inside the microwave

Picture 5 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

Note that this is a dangerous magic, you absolutely should not try at home.

Light a match inside the microwave, you will see an extremely monstrous phenomenon: the fire from the match suddenly . escaped, turning into a fireball in mid-air.

And the reason is this: a fire object will release electrons from atoms. But this freedom does not last long, because other molecules will immediately "capture" them. This process causes the electron to lose its energy and emit light - which is why fire glows.

But in the microwave it's different. The internal magnetic field will push the electron out of the flame, causing it to bump into air molecules and glow. And since they are hotter than the surrounding air, it will hover above.

However, this is still a dangerous magic, you absolutely should not try at home.

6. Water . flows backwards

Picture 6 of 6 magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world

The fire will heat the air in the cup, push air out of the cup and suck in water.

You know, water can only flow from a high place to a low place, but the experiment below shows the opposite: You light a candle, place it on a plate containing water, then turn the cup up. The result is that the water in the cup will rise slowly like magic.

Cause this: The fire will cause the air in the cup to heat up, push the air out of the cup and suck in water.

When the fire goes out, the temperature drops, causing the pressure to drop, forming a vacuum in the cup. This space of course will create gravitation, and water even surges stronger than before.

Update 18 December 2018



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