6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

With the explosion of science and technology, humans are gradually solving the long-standing mysteries.

Will science solve them next year?

With the explosion of science and technology, humans are gradually solving the long-standing mysteries. We decipher the mystery, the moans underground, even the origin of the old days.

But there are still so many that science still cannot answer, including things right next to us. All just stop at the hypothetical level.

1. Science does not know why we yawn now

Picture 1 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

Everyone yawned, even yawned every day.

Everyone yawned, even yawned every day. Strange in that, science so far still can't explain why.

All the solutions given are only at the hypothetical level. For example, the Binghamton University (USA) study in 2011 said yawning is a mechanism for regulating body temperature, allowing the brain to lower its temperature. There is no one who knows the true biological purpose of yawning.

Also yawning is contagious, and this science doesn't understand why.

2. The fungus grows only in two parts of the world

Picture 2 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

Chorioactis geaster mushroom.

The strange mushroom in the picture is called Chorioactis geaster , and it can only grow in Texas (USA) and Japan. It is special, but science cannot explain this mechanism.

Both locations are in the same latitude, but this is not enough to explain why they are only fixed in two locations, but not elsewhere.

According to a 2014 study by Harvard University, the fungus has split into two populations from 19 million years ago.

3. Mystery about the lifestyle of

Picture 3 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

Humpback whales suddenly turn to live in a herd that makes scientists unexplainable.

Humpback whales have been very lonely. They live alone, rampaging around the ocean. But then one day, they suddenly turned to live in a flock, into a big family that nobody dared to touch.

And science is still unexplained.

Specifically, experts from the University of Pretoria found that the humpback fish in the South African sea suddenly turned to prey from 20 to 200 in the past few years. Although it is not yet confirmed, some experts say it is probably because the number of whales has increased, so they are forced to hunt.

4. in Russia

Picture 4 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

The tree trunks in the forest cannot grow straight, but become the wriggling shapes.

In Russia, in particular the Kaliningrad region has a very monstrous forest called "Dancing Forest". For no reason, the trees in the forest could not grow straight, but into the shape of writhing, looking like dancing.

This forest was planted in the 1960s. But the problem is that people only plant it without doing anything, and the body of the tree is so natural. There are many theories, including strong winds, porous soil, the effects of caterpillars . but are not really reliable.

Some local people also call this "drunken forest".


Picture 5 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

The mechanism that makes cats ' purring " moan has been a mystery.

For a long time, the mechanism that created the typical "purr" moan of cats was a mystery. But then science also found that mystery - it was a muscle group in the cat's throat, creating a certain vibration.

However, the reason why they moan is still a mystery. The hypothesis is that the moan will help bones grow faster, tougher under pressure, and even improve the listener's recovery. But as stated, that's just a hypothesis.


Picture 6 of 6 mysterious phenomena, although science has been developed for a long time, still cannot be answered

Nobody knows where this hole came from.

This crater is called Patom, and is a mystery to Siberians. Some indigenous people call it " The Great Eagle of Fire" , for it with death because there are no plants around and there are no wild animals coming.

Patom was officially announced by Vadim Kolpakov, a Russian geologist in 1949, but actually dates from more than 500 years ago. One thing, no one knows where this hole comes from.

Update 03 May 2019



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