6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

You can lock all the doors in your house with just one key, but if you accidentally lose the key, imagine what will happen? Setting a password is similar.If your password is not unique enough and easily guessed, hackers will easily steal your account and your important data.

To create highly secure passwords, make sure you use special characters and passwords that are at least 8 characters long. However, creating a secure password is still not as important as having to remember it.

Picture 1 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

Is there any really unbreakable password? No, but choose a sentence of your own and turn it into your password. This may seem simple at first, but it will be difficult if even one sentence you cannot remember.

Here are a few tips that can help you create particularly complex passwords with high security but are easy to remember:

1. A memorable poem

One of the most commonly used methods for passwords that require high security and require a 15-character password is rhyming.

Picture 2 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

Choose one of the rhymes that you like, take the first letters of each word, capitalize the first letter of each sentence, replace one letter with a number or add a dot coal or some other symbol at the end. Example of a famous folk song:

"Oh get elected trade secrets together,

Although other varieties but share a rig".

Your job is to convert and replace any "g" character into a "9" numeric character and "l" to 1 or 7. This will be the new password string for you:


The above password string contains 15 characters, including numbers, letters, uppercase, lowercase letters and has at least one special character.

2. A sentence in a famous movie or a favorite song

A method similar to the above but using quotes in a famous movie or a sentence in your favorite song to form your own password. In fact, there are many ways to create rhymes that are commonly used. Hackers can guess. Using a favorite type of movie that few people know will make the password safer. You may also consider replacing characters with numbers that are not easy to guess.

Picture 3 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

For example, many people will think of replacing an "l" with "7" but if you choose another one it will become more difficult. Replace all "l" characters with the number "6" or 5. You can also replace all "t" characters with the "3" character by using the same logic.

Using this method, you can start with a song in the following Little Frog:

"Behold, you are the frog, there are two round eyes!"

You can create a password of the form "Kc6cecch6hm3!"

This is one of the ways to create a password with high security and a normal person can remember.

3. Using Lingo technique

This is the method of using your specialized sentences and phrases. A rhyming poem or a quote in a hacker movie can be found using an algorithm that uses multiple loops. However, specialized words are a difficult problem.

Picture 4 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

For example, if you are a nurse, your sentence may be:

"Aortic blockage can lead to a critical condition".

Try replacing the "d" with the "0" digit to give you a password like this: "Tn0mcct00ttnk!".

This is just a password string of 14 characters less than a string of 18 characters, but it's really hard to guess.

4. Your memorable days

Another method is to use numbers. To remember random numbers correctly is not a simple task. However, one of the techniques that I learned from my own father was that he often used the numbers associated with the big family day for lottery selection.

Picture 5 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

The first number that many people think about and use is birthday and unfortunately because those days are too easy for hackers. You need a day with higher security, in other words, use an important and memorable event with you, but make sure no one knows about it. That may be the first day you kiss someone or the day you bought your parents for a new car.

List 3 days that you will definitely remember and place them on the same line. Replace the slashes with the letter l and separate the dates with the "_" character and end it with a special character like "!" or "#" you get a password like this: "10l08l86_03l14l94_09l06l98 #"

This is a 27-character password so it can only be used in systems that handle long passwords with the highest security.

5. Use templates on your keyboard

Below is a method to set up interesting passwords using techniques similar to the current login model of smartphones. In this case, what you do is use your keyboard and create your own drawings, then use letters and numbers to create a password. For example, you create a drawing on the keyboard as shown below:

Picture 6 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

If you start at number 3 like this drawing, it is quite easy for each drawing. With this method you can draw recognizable images or letters right on the keyboard. If done as shown above, the password received is as follows: "3waxcvgy7890- =".

Using this method you can create complex drawings to increase the length and security of passwords. Hackers often find passwords by running an algorithm to detect all the passwords that can be generated on the keyboard by randomly combining all the keys together, so try to create complex drawings. As possible, such as turning around, folding or creating complex diagonal lines, will make haker very difficult.

6. Integrate card code right on the system

The final technique creates extremely secure password chains with the method of integrating card code right on the system. In most corporations, employees are also given word cards or access cards, which will change regularly, periodically and be used during the login process.

Picture 7 of 6 tips to help you set your password safe, easy to remember

Similarly, you can print and carry a card to store part of the password and the rest of the password, you need to remember.

For example your password could be "2BeOrNot2BeThatIsThe?" and you will write "ThatIsThe?" on a piece of paper, this will remind you to remember your entire password.

If someone finds part of your password, they still can't find the remaining password. At the same time, this method makes you forget you the past when you have a sad anniversary.

Placing a password that is highly secure and easy to remember is not an easy task. You can use one of the methods above or create your own ideas to build your own special passwords such as the name of a character you love. At that time, the hacker attacks the account will be almost impossible, but remember your password.