7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, prepare these foods in the house for everyone to enjoy and taste well to get lucky.

Gac Gac

Picture 1 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
The red color of gac is the natural color of the soil, so it will create harmony and convenience for the new year.

Gac fruit also helps to brighten eyes, prevent eye problems such as eyes, eye aches, dry eyes, night blinds, cataracts. They also help anti-aging beautify the skin, keep the skin smooth, youthful .

In addition, according to Vietnamese conception, red is the color of happiness, the color of spring color, is a symbol of good luck and goodness. Meanwhile, the red color of gac is the natural color of the soil, so it will create harmony and convenience for the new year.

Through misery

Picture 2 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
Suffering means that all suffering will pass away to welcome a happy new year.

Although slightly bitter, but bitter melon (or bitter melon) is very useful for health. Bitter melon helps reduce cholesterol, thereby helping you get rid of the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, in the word play of Vietnamese people, suffering through suffering means that all suffering will go away to welcome a happy new year.

Boiled chicken

Picture 3 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
A soft, golden boiled chicken dish will bring a good, happy start.

According to nutritionists, in addition to albumin, fat, chicken also has vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron. This is a high quality food, the human body is easily absorbed and digested.

According to Oriental medicine, chicken is sweet, non-toxic, nutritious, healthy lungs. This type of meat also cures blood ice, trichotomy, dysentery, boils, is a complementary food for spleen, gas, blood and kidney.

Besides, it is believed that soft boiled golden chicken will bring a good start, full of happiness.


Picture 4 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
Desserts bring sweetness in the new year.

Usually children love cakes, but they are often banned because parents think that eating sweets only causes tooth decay and obesity, but it doesn't work at all.

This is a somewhat misleading and miserable judgment, if you know how to use it correctly, it can bring a lot of benefits to you and your family.

Cakes provide great energy, reduce stress, reduce cardiovascular problems and blood pressure. Not to mention, desserts bring sweetness in the new year.


Watermelon is considered a healthy food because it is low in fat and very low in calories. A cup of watermelon has only about 46 calories, so it's a great food to lose weight.

Picture 5 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
The round shape of fullness with red and green colors and plenty of sand of watermelon will bring much luck to the family.

In addition, watermelon is also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B6 & C, pantothenic acid, biotin, potassium and magnesium. In red watermelons contains a strong antioxidant lycopene (red coloring plant pigment for watermelon, tomatoes, pink guava).

This powerful antioxidant helps neutralize free radicals leading to inflammatory diseases, general diseases and chronic diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

Besides, along with the red, the "grains of sand" in the melon are homogeneous from the "sand" in Chinese also symbolize the sand on the occasion of the beginning of the year. The round shape of fullness with red and sandy colors will bring much luck to the family.


Picture 6 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
Eat papaya early in the new year with a year-round wish.

Papaya is not only delicious, it is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins help to boost the body's immunity to diseases like colds, fever, and flu. Besides, they are very good for skin, hair, eyes .

New Year's Day, papaya is a fruit selected by many families as an appetizer to look good and full year round.

Fruit has round shape

Picture 7 of 7 dishes should be eaten for sewing on the first day of the year
Eating any fruit with a circle on the first day of the new year is a custom common in many countries.

Everyone knows that oranges, lemons and other round fruits are delicious fruits and provide a generous amount of vitamin C, which is trusted by housewives, however, oranges are a great cure. You may not know.

Eating any fruit with a circle on the first day of the new year is a common practice in many countries, although the number of fruit pods is often different.

For example, in the Philippines, number 13 is considered lucky, and in Europe and America, that number is 12, representing 12 months of the year. In both cases, the shape of the fruit, must be like a coin and have a sweet taste.