A Dutch company discovered a fruit identical to watermelon, but 20 times smaller in South America.

Over thousands of thousands of people, with breeding techniques, people have created crops that are far from their ancestors.

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A healthy heart can prevent many diseases. And you can absolutely protect your heart by eating the following foods when you're too busy to exercise.

Consuming too much watermelon at the same time will cause the body to face many dangerous problems.

Reflux (also known as heartburn) is a chronic syndrome when acid or bile reflux into the stomach irritates the stomach lining, causing burning sensation under the chest, creating a

In the summer, besides using sunscreen, you can also try the following healthy foods to help protect you safely in the sun.

Watermelon is a popular summer fruit because of its sweetness and plenty of water. But watermelon is not always good and beneficial for your body.

In everyday life, you can find a variety of foods that help strengthen the body's immune system.

According to experts, not every food we can store in a refrigerator, because some of them can be metamorphic, not beneficial to human health.