8 inexpensive moisturizing tips that are effective

The effective way of fighting is how many families wonder when the season comes. The effective way to handle the sweaty floor or dehumidification in the house below will help you get free, no-cost ways to fight.

The weather is so wet and humid that the floor has a "sweaty" phenomenon that is unpleasant and has a big impact on your family's life. With simple, inexpensive moisture-proof tips and tricks that are equally effective below will help your home be dry and clean.

Simple anti-tip tips:

Always close the door

In the weather, the floor of the embalmed floor added a mysterious atmosphere that many people tend to open windows, the main door to catch the wind to help the house more open and hope the wind will dry the floor. But this is a disastrous mistake, the high humidity winds blowing into the house only make your residence more humid. Ideally, you should limit the door open, turn on the air conditioner and don't turn on the fan to keep the house dry.

Picture 1 of 8 inexpensive moisturizing tips that are effective
Close the door to limit moist air.

The house should be cleaned with a dry cloth

To face the humidity, many housewives are not afraid to clean regularly to dry clean houses. But even if you wipe it off with hot water, the house is hard to dampen. The best way now is to use a clean, dry rag to clean the water on the house.

Picture 2 of 8 inexpensive moisturizing tips that are effective

Turn on the conditioning mode

If your home has two-way air conditioning, turn on dry mode. This is a great way to absorb moisture and circulate the air, ensuring health for members, especially in homes with young children.

Picture 3 of 8 inexpensive moisturizing tips that are effective
Air conditioner helps to absorb moisture effectively.

Use of hygroscopic materials

There are quite a lot of dehumidifiers there are many in the market, if there are conditions, do not hesitate to buy this type of machine to use, although it costs a little extra electricity but it also helps your house to be dry, clean. If you can't afford a machine, you can also put a small charcoal pot in the room, under the chair . to aid in dehumidification in the house.

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Dehumidifiers are also very effective for moisture prevention.

With common use areas at the house such as doors, sinks, shower doors, next to mop mats, you can also add a few newspapers to support dehumidification in a short time. This is a good way because not all households have enough carpet to replace in long wet days.

Anti-mold for wardrobe, corner house.

For wardrobe, corners, and wall corners that are heavily damp, use a desiccant box to limit mold. These desiccant boxes are sold in large supermarkets, shops selling Japanese and Korean goods for about 40,000 VND / box, can be used for about 2-4 weeks.

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A desiccant box suitable for use in cabinets and corners to limit mold.

Mold and sterilize utensils with hot water

Household appliances such as chopsticks, bamboo ladles and wood are very susceptible to mold in wet days. So after washing dishes every day, you use hot water to rinse the last time, dry or arrange with a space for the utensils to be dry and dry to ensure hygiene. If you have a lot of dishes, don't forget to use them.

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Use hot water or dish dryer to keep household items moldy and hygienic.

Put electronics in standby mode

Turn on electronic devices and leave them in standby mode to limit the effect of steam to items such as TVs, players, computers .

Use aromatic essential oils

To avoid the bad smell from the sky, you can use aromatherapy in the corner of the house. Use mild smells like lavaneder, lemon to make the house the most pleasant fragrance.

Picture 7 of 8 inexpensive moisturizing tips that are effective
Gentle aromatherapy essential oil keeps the house from getting foul and uncomfortable.