8 new frog species found in Laos

Scientists at the World Animal Conservation Association in New York have discovered eight new frog species in Laos over the past two years. Among these new frogs, one male is half the size of a female and another has a spine that extends down the abdomen.

Picture 1 of 8 new frog species found in Laos

One of the eight new frog species, scientifically named Rana Compotrix B, was discovered by scientists from the World Animal Conservation Association in primary forests in Laos.Photo: AP .

The results of the discovery of eight new frog species were published earlier this year in Copeia Magazine (Journal of the American Association of Fish and Reptile Scientists Research) and many prestigious magazines. other credit.

Scientist Bryan Stuart, a member of the team who discovered the eight frog species, told the AP reporter: ' No scientist is really interested in studying amphibians and reptiles. Laos '.

"The species of amphibians in Laos are often viewed as not rich compared to neighboring countries, so we have found bedding animals like never before seen in science. " .

8 new frog species are the latest frogs discovered by scientists in a small country without sea. Some of the eight new species of frogs are found in Laos' forests - forests that have never been found by foreign scientists due to their geographic features and historical conditions.

These 8 new frog species do not live in areas near villages or areas with a lot of rice that they live in intact forests.

The process of discovering new animals by scientists is still ongoing and the discovery of these 8 new frog species will be a powerful impetus for Lao government policies to better protect the forest.

Last year, scientists announced the discovery of a mouse-like animal in local areas called 'kha-nyou' in Laos. This is a mammal with a mouse-like face, a skinny body like squirrel. Scientists say animals have such extinct characteristics 11 million years ago.

In addition, Stuart and his team discovered new salamanders in Laos in 2004. He was always fascinated by new discoveries and always wondered about frogs threatened by because their life depends on the forest.

He argued that any tropical region is threatened by human exploitation, except for the primeval forests in Laos. Therefore, the world will lose the rare animals that we have never known.

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