8 strange creatures seem like they do not belong to this planet

These creatures not only have strange appearance but their customs are also very different.

These creatures not only have strange appearance but their customs are also very different.

Mother Nature may still hide many secrets. Because of that, many people "fell back" when they saw the creatures below. These are all strange creatures that don't seem to belong to this planet.


Picture 1 of 8 strange creatures seem like they do not belong to this planet

Not from an alien, this unique creature with an extremely cute face is Axolotl salamanders (or Mexican salamanders). One of the extremely special abilities in Axolotl is that it can regenerate any part of the body such as hands, feet, heart, spinal cord and even the brain.

However, Axolotl is seriously threatened by water pollution due to human urbanization.


Picture 2 of 8 strange creatures seem like they do not belong to this planet

Surely you can hardly realize this is a mealybug. This bug has 3,000 species and is distributed all over the world.

They live in the fruit bunches, under the leaves and even under the roots. Aphids will suck plastic to make bunches of fruits wither, fall off and create conditions for fungi to develop to make black pods, leaves face, affect photosynthesis.

3. Sea anemone

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Look at the eye-catching appearance, this sea anemone often selects small fish and invertebrates to shoot paralysis and prey "meat" prey.

4. Polypore mushrooms

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At first glance, many people imagine the strange object is a normal rock but no, they are actually Polypore mushroom creatures.

Polypore is a fungus that grows on trees and on soil - growing fast and not picky.

5. Crunchy sea star (ophiuroid)

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Also known as the snake-tailed starfish, this creature possesses a strange part like the 5 solid tails that coordinate to move smoothly.

Their bodies are symmetrical through the center, meaning that the body is divided into equal halves by straight lines through the arms and central axis. Despite being "separated" but crunchy starfish can still move skillfully.

6. "Dwarf Fish"

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The fish that many researchers associate with elves in these fantasy films are called Lycodes reticulatus - often living in deep waters from 67 to 600m in the North Atlantic.


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With a special appearance, many people would think of alien alien creatures. But this is exactly one of 1,150 sea cucumber species (sea cucumbers) that exist on this Earth.

Most species of sea cucumbers are only one hand small, but the Pacific sea cucumbers can grow to 2m in length but when touched, they shrink to only very small.


Picture 8 of 8 strange creatures seem like they do not belong to this planet

This "elves" squid has a scientific name, Promachoteuthis sulcus, which lives at a depth of 2,000m in the South Atlantic Ocean.

They are described as soft-bodied animals with rounded human jaws and folded lips. The tentacles surround the mouth as a warning to anyone who intends to attack them.

Update 18 December 2018



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