9 habits to use technology to change right away to protect yourself

We live in a society where technology is "enthroned". I don't know how you are but I myself, can't live without technology. This is both passion and an essential tool for my life. Like Ben Parker once said, "The greater the power, the higher the responsibility" and the power of technology is so easy to grasp that we often forget that, behind it, there are many things that come with it. Start using technology responsibly, seriously and first, you need to end the 9 very common mistakes below.

1. Always use the same password for everything

You probably know Adobe , Target, Facebook and Snapchat are some of the big software companies in the world whose database of customer information has been compromised. If you use the same Username or Password for all accounts, changing the password for a website is not beneficial at all. I can find your login information from one of the ways to hack these pages and use it to access any account that you share information with.

Picture 1 of 9 habits to use technology to change right away to protect yourself

Swap passwords and never use a password twice . It may sound hard to do but all you need to do is choose a basic word (such as "password") and change the part later. Probably "pA55w0rd1!" for a Google account or "pA55w0rd2!" For Facebook accounts, you can remember them easily without having to worry about security.

2. Do not use 2-step authentication

In general, passwords are not very safe. If you access any of your devices (either directly or over the Internet), I can install Keylogger and get to know all the passwords you have set up. However, if you have used 2-step authentication, it will make it difficult for me to do so.

All popular services like Facebook, Google, Twitter . support 2-step authentication, so it's a pity if you ignore them. Simply set up an account according to the instructions to receive a text message, request an authentication code . when accessing from another device or from your home network.

3. Use the public network without turning on the VPN

It is not difficult to find public WiFi networks. Many companies and organizations now offer free networks to customers, including McDonald's, Starbucks or airports and gyms . If you don't turn on VPN , using this network means you're "open." the door "gives others free access to your computer, just as you put your wallet next to you while sleeping on a bench in the park.

Picture 2 of 9 habits to use technology to change right away to protect yourself

A virtual private network (VPN) will help secure your information while using these public Internet networks. If you still have not installed this software on your computer, you can either search and download the tool compatible with the device you are using or you should terminate access to WiFi network, unless it is your network. your house.

4. Do not update the software

In 2011, Sony PlayStation Network was hacked and PlayStation users' personal information (stored in an unencrypted database) was leaked. This situation happened a month after Sony "forgot" to upgrade an important Apache server.

Updating software is at the core because companies that create it are always working to fix security holes. If you forget to do this at least once a week, your data is more likely to be illegally compromised.

5. Disable firewall and antivirus software

Occasionally, the firewall will cause you some trouble, especially when playing games or using streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime . Disabling security software makes it easy to access these applications, however, it also makes things worse.

Instead, set up separate rules for each site. Although this will take you a few days, they will help your computer be better protected.

6. Ignore privacy settings on social networks

Facebook requires you to use real information, so is LinkedIn and Google+ . There is nothing to discuss if it is just demographic information or work history, not everything about you.

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Privacy is a very difficult term to imagine in the modern world and it's best to be cautious. No one wants their personal information to be illegally exploited and especially women - the department that is currently on alert for leaking information via social networks.

7. Agree to all application access requests

When considering personal information, you should be careful with requests to grant access each time you install new applications and games on your phone or use social networking accounts to log in to any service.

Candy Crush does n't need to know your position, the Huffington Post does n't need to know who you are and Flappy Bird has no reason to request access to your contacts. Learning to say "no" is one of the most important skills in life that you should apply to both the use of software habits.

8. No email encryption

When I was your age, to send someone a message, I had to go to the post office. After that, the postman would have to walk barefoot over the hill in the snowy weather so that he could pass that letter to the person I had named outside. For now, you make this wish by email but sure, the postman image is still in your head.

Picture 4 of 9 habits to use technology to change right away to protect yourself

Email is not a letter. It is a postcard and the message on it everyone sees. When you encrypt your email with the encryption technology Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), you have sealed the postcard with a secure "envelope" - the method is also used by the Government and many corporations on the planet. this. It is completely free and therefore, there is no reason for you to refuse.

9. No smartphone protection

Smartphone popular in modern life to the extent that we admit it. They are miniature "computers", filled with your personal information.When you change your old phone to get a new one, you need to delete all that private data first . However, not simply deleting, you need to use the One Pass Zero method so that data is not only deleted but also overwritten by a string of 0s (Digital data is essentially two kilos. order 0 and 1).

Think of you writing a note with a pencil and paper. When you erase the pencil, you can still see what you wrote. But if you doodle on it, it's much harder to see.

The internet is a great thing but also dangerous. Therefore, before deciding to connect to it, always remember to keep your personal data secure. Surely you do not want information about the rent or mortgage rejected by someone who hacked the server of an application that you just downloaded and used for 5 minutes, then exposed Your personal information for others?