Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

40 Fruit Tree - A work of art obtained by the work of an artist, a crop specialist.

40 Fruit Tree - A work of art obtained by the work of an artist, a crop specialist.

Before becoming an artist, Sam Van Aken grew up on his family's farm. Currently, he is an art professor at Syracuse University. One of the things that makes him a famous art professor is the most famous self-made of Van Aken: Tree of 40 Fruit - Tree of 40 Fruit . It is the product of his knowledge in both cultivation and art.

Picture 1 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Tree of 40 Fruit - Tree of 40 Fruit.

In 2008, orchards at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station were about to be closed due to lack of capital to maintain. A great loss, when this garden has countless trees that have been preserved for generations, old trees, native fruits, one of them has an age of up to 150 to 200 year.

Losing this garden, countless rare and ancient fruits will become extinct. To save them, Van Aken bought the entire garden. Van Aken then sought to assemble the trees, to turn all the other precious plants into a single tree.

Picture 2 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Van Aken sought to assemble the trees, to turn all the other precious plants into a single tree.

In the hands of more than 250 different fruit trees, Van Aken builds a specific timeline of each fruit that will always bear fruit, what is the relationship between them so that they can be connected to the same tree? Root for harmony.

When this special tree was 2 years old, Van Aken used the extraction technique to add other plants to a tree branch.

Picture 3 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Van Aken uses the extraction technique to add other plants to a tree branch.

Once the branches have been attached, Van Aken lets the tree heal itself throughout the winter. If everything goes smoothly, the branches will live a normal life on the original tree branch.

After 5 years of extraction, the first 40 Fruit Tree was born.

Picture 4 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Picture 5 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Picture 6 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

Sam Van Aken.

Most of the time of the year, this particular tree is like many other trees. But in the spring, the pink, white, red and purple clusters raced. Gradually they will turn into plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries and almonds during the summer months. These fruits are unique and unique.

In addition to beauty purposes, this wonderful plant also protects the diversity of nuts . This fruit is often selected separately to grow fruit, based on life expectancy, how big the fruit is, how beautiful it looks and how delicious it is.

This means that even though there are thousands of fruits with seeds in the world, only a few have economic value. There are fruits that are not really delicious and not very nutritious, but the above criteria still make them become "cash-out" plants .

Picture 7 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

The fruit is taken from a tree.

According to the list posted on Van Aken's website, there are at least 20 40 Fruit Trees scattered throughout the United States. Visitors can see them at museums, public centers, and private collections.

Picture 8 of Admire the miraculous tree that produces 40 fruits in a year

There are at least 20 40 Fruit Trees scattered throughout the United States.

You must have wondered where the fruits taken from this tree will go? Sam Van Aken told Epicurious magazine in 2014 like this:

"I have heard people who plant this tree at home tell me that it gives them a perfect amount of fruit with great diversity. Instead of giving a variety of fruits in so much quantity that they don't know how to do it. What, they have a good amount of fruit that fits 40 different types. "

"Each fruit ripens in a different season, from July through October, your home never lacks summer fruits."

Update 17 December 2018



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