Anatomical sight of a

In a BBC television show, animals like crocodiles, pigeons, chickens ... were caught

In a BBC television show, animals such as crocodiles, pigeons, chickens, etc. were strangely "vented" to their senses.

>>>Video: Animal scenes with "acupressure points" expose your belly

Observing the natural world, researchers found that when animals fall into danger, they often lie motionless and seem to lose their senses, not conscious of the world around them.

Picture 1 of Anatomical sight of a

The chickens with "acupuncture points" fall into a strange state. (Photos from clips)

To prove this, experts have done experiments with crocodiles and chickens. When the crocodile is overturned to expose the weak point under the jaw and is affected by humans in this position, it becomes dull and mysterious. Only when scratching their abdomen can they gradually regain their senses.

Likewise for the case of chickens. When the hand is placed on the neck (like the neck breaking position), the chickens become immobile. Only when the expert claps them will they wake up, work normally and don't seem to remember them both being life-threatening. This is also the case for pigeons in case they are threatened by bird cuts.

It has been suggested that this phenomenon is caused by a mechanism to respond to a major animal threat, while others argue that it is a way to fake death to escape. However, there is still no answer to the question of why animals seem to lose their consciousness completely during the "point of acupoint" and cannot wake up soon after the danger passes.

Update 16 December 2018



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