Anteater eat 'rotten bombs' to ward off enemies

When he felt threatened, anteater Tamandua produced a very strong odor that predators had to flee.

When he felt threatened, anteater Tamandua produced a very strong odor that predators had to flee.

Picture 1 of Anteater eat 'rotten bombs' to ward off enemies

Compared to skunks "the rotten bomb" produced by this ant animal is 4 times heavier.

Tamandua ants eat mainly in Central and South America. When they feel threatened, they stand upright on their hind legs and use sharp claws on their front legs to defend themselves. If the enemy approaches too close, Tamandua will release a very strong odor from the anal glands.

Compared to skunks, the "rotten bomb" produced by this anteater is four times heavier, causing most predators to flee. Tamandua works at night. They are very good at climbing and spending most of their time on trees hunting.

Besides the main food source of ants and termites, Tamandua sometimes eats both larvae, beetles, bees and leaves.

Update 28 May 2019



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