Anti-apocalyptic tunnel holds precious books in Norway

The second apocalyptic tunnel was opened in the icy wasteland of Svalbard, Norway, to protect the world's most important books.

The second apocalyptic tunnel was opened in the icy wasteland of Svalbard, Norway, to protect the world's most important books.

Norway has opened a special anti-apocalyptic tunnel called World Arctic Archive located in Svalbard to store the world's most valuable books, Sun reported on March 28.

Picture 1 of Anti-apocalyptic tunnel holds precious books in Norway

Anti-apocalyptic seed tunnel in Svalbard, Norway.(Photo: National Geographic).

Precious books will be stored in digital form, allowing them to survive in the most extreme conditions, including nuclear war. Norway, Brazil and Mexico will be the first countries to keep copies of precious books in this cellar.

This new apocalyptic tunnel is in the same area as the Global Seed Vault, which contains a huge collection of seeds that can help people survive if the food supply is wiped clean.

The technology invented by Piql helps to store data in the form of photo paper instead of hard drives or other types of storage."We believe we can store data with our technology for 1,000 years," says Kartrine Loen Thomson, Piql company representative. Photo paper will be placed deep inside a permanently frozen mine named Mine 3 under stable temperature.

Svalbard is a particularly safe place to store precious books. In 1920, Norway signed the Svalbard treaty with 42 countries to make it a demilitarized zone. " We believe there will be no military attack here," said Pal Berg, a mining company, SNSK.

Update 15 December 2018



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