Are babies too young eating peanuts susceptible to allergies?

Picture 1 of Are babies too young eating peanuts susceptible to allergies? Peanut allergy is one of the most common allergies in the United States, it hurts more than 1.5 million Americans and kills about 100 people a year.

To prevent this allergy from developing further, doctors have warned children that are too young and mothers who are raising babies and midwives avoid peanut-made foods. But recently researchers have asked a question about whether the age of peanut-based preparations should be limited.

The most recent study published in the Journal of Allergy and Immunity found that this is also somewhat ridiculous. The authors examined 2 groups of children younger than 8,000. One group ate peanuts at 9 months of age, the other group did not eat or eat very little and were larger. The scientists found that older children had six times more allergies.

Dr. Robert A. Wood, an expert on the immune system of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Center, said the studies were also very interesting, but there was no benefit. Best parents themselves should pay more attention to their children. Some children are also at risk of allergies but cannot blame the dishes made from peanuts completely. Parents should care about babies who are still in the care or children under 7 years of age. These are the children most likely to be allergic because their condition has not fully developed. And sometimes also because family history has a history of allergies.

Scientists also added that even if you are old enough to digest it all, it is advisable to limit the consumption of lots of peanuts because peanuts contain a lot of high-content fat.