Astronauts bring cosmic flies to Earth

Three astronauts returned on Earth on November 10 safely from the International Space Station (ISS) after a mission lasting 165 days.

Three astronauts on November 10 returned to Earth safely from the International Space Station (ISS) after a 165-day mission, with the generation of experimental fruit flies born in a space environment.

>>>Astronauts return to Earth safely

Picture 1 of Astronauts bring cosmic flies to Earth

From left to right: Alexander Gerst, Maxim Suraev, Reid Wiseman.(Photo: Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center)

Spacecraft takes the Expedition 41 crew to land in the area of ​​Arkalykm, Kazakhstan, about 80km. Three returnees are Maksim Surayev, Russian astronaut, and two flight engineers, Reid Wiseman, of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) and Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency (ESA).

In the mission of 165 days, they completed the journey of more than 112 million km and carried out some scientific experiments. One of the experiments conducted on ISS is the breeding of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), to study the effect of space flights on humans.

According to RT, before the ship landed, about 300 people were assigned to locate and take the crew back to the safe area. 14 helicopters, a transport plane and 6 search and rescue vehicles were also mobilized in this activity. After a medical examination, three astronauts were taken to the city of Kustanai to return home.

Russian spacecraft takes astronauts to ISS successfully connected to the space station on May 30. Here, they recorded many images of Earth viewed from space and life in a zero gravity environment.

Update 17 December 2018



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