Baby girl has heart upside down

11-year-old girl - Shaunice Smith, is said to be the only person in the world with her heart on the right and upside down from front to back.

Picture 1 of Baby girl has heart upside down
Shaunice Smith's radiant face.Photo: Express.

Smith's mother, Sarah Dodso said on Express , when she was pregnant with Smith, doctors discovered her daughter's abnormal heart. They advised her to give up the pregnancy, because the chances of survival were minimal, which could affect her family happiness later.

" But at that time I was ready to become a mother, I bought a lot of strollers and dolls too. Therefore, I still decided to give birth to Smith and persuade the doctors to let me have a baby by the method. normal birth, not surgery, "recalls Sarah.

Shaunice was taken to the intensive care unit right after birth. Later, doctors also said that Smith's heart had only one heart valve instead of four heart valves like a normal person.

When Smith was 2 years old, the father died in an accident. Now that Sarah faces Smith raising alone, life seems more difficult for Sarah.

Smith started school at 10 am because she needed more sleep than other children and her heart had a hard time dealing with the cold.

However, the doctors were surprised to see that Smith currently has quite stable health and normal life like many other girls.