Be careful with carbonated drinks

Reading these lines, carbonated soft drink manufacturers will get angry, while consumers of their products suffer from a slow death quietly.

Reading these lines, carbonated soft drink manufacturers will get angry, while consumers of their products suffer from a slow death quietly.

Carbonated drinks . quench thirst immediately. Or a deadly trap? Medical studies decided it was time to hide this fact. Is carbonated drinking related to gout (also called gout), osteoporosis, diabetes, dehydration and cancer?

Picture 1 of Be careful with carbonated drinks

Be careful with the health effects of carbonated drinks. Illustration.

The risk of gout increases when women drink carbonated soft drinks containing fructose . Osteoporosis caused by carbonic and phosphoric acids contained in carbonated drinks. Why? It releases CO 2 . Carbonates produce stimulation of the stomach, find calcium in the blood - which is one of the functions that reduces acidity - and returns to supplement calcium for bone. The result is osteoporosis, brittle and easily broken.

What about diabetes?

Carbonated drinks are a type of water that contains a high amount of sugar. When consumed heavily, it sends signals to the pancreas and immediately secretes insulin into the immune system to prevent nerve damage, reducing testosterone levels in the bone.


Carbonated soft drinks cause acid reflux, damage to tissues in sensitive areas, such as esophagus. These lesions can become germs of cancer. The body's health protection system needs alkalinity at pH of 7,365 . but in carbonated drinks, pH is only 2.8. This means that the acidity of the beverage contains higher gas of the water usually 100,000 times.

Salt in carbonated drinks reduces the amount of water in the cell. 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. Sugar in carbonated drinks makes people hungry, like snacks. Soda water causes an insulin response from the kidneys. It is diabetes.

Increasing sugar, another cause of obesity

Update 14 December 2018



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