Bear practice health with ... yoga

With extremely supple and skillful movements, a Finnish bear practicing yoga to exercise, surely the bear also wants to extend her life.

Ms. Meta Penca, 29, once the editor of a newspaper, captured impressive images of a drunken bear practicing mature yoga movements.

Picture 1 of Bear practice health with ... yoga

The bear of this fitness yoga is Santra, at the Ahtari zoo, Finland. Bear Santra, who just woke up, immediately practiced yoga for about 15 minutes. With supple and mature movements, Santra bears made Ms. Meta extremely surprised.

She thinks that Santra has " worked " in a circus. However, after asking, she knew that Santra's bear and her " mate " were the oldest couple at the Ahtari zoo. Surely this bear wants to prolong her life so she went to yoga.

Picture 2 of Bear practice health with ... yoga

Menta said that Santra bears practiced concentration and hard work, sitting down balance and raising her arms and legs quite hard but Santra does quite softly and fluently: 'It seems that Santra does not notice What's around that focuses on exercises. I stood outside trying to keep quiet and restrain my amazement. Santra is like a human . ' Ms. Menta said.

Picture 3 of Bear practice health with ... yoga