7 Yoga movements for hands

Have you ever heard about Yoga hands? The article will provide you with seven basic movements of your fingers to bring unexpectedly positive effects to your health.

1. Surya mudra

Picture 1 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This action enhances digestion, supports weight loss. In addition, this position can also treat eye diseases and is also a great therapy for blood circulation problems. If your hands are trembling, persist in doing this, you won't be wasted!

2. Prithvi mudra

Picture 2 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This action promotes muscle growth, it also reduces the triggers of muscle inflammation, eliminates metabolic obstruction.

3. Vaayu mudra

Picture 3 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This action will enhance the circulation of oxygen in the body, while relieving impulses as well as lack of concentration.

4. Shunya mudra

Picture 4 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This action will help you relieve pain and relax your whole body. It also helps with ear problems, dizziness.

5. Gyan mudra

Picture 5 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This movement is known as a "wise" position, which will stimulate your creativity, enthusiasm and enhance your memory.

6. Varun mudra

Picture 6 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This action is recommended for people with arthritis, dehydration, or endocrine disorders.

7. Aakash mudra

Picture 7 of 7 Yoga movements for hands

This is an effective action for reducing stress and pressure, it also helps purify the body, eliminate toxins in metabolism.