Big sharks eat small sharks

In a natural version of the Hollywood action movie, a great white shark was destroyed under the jaw of the larger fellow.

In a natural version of the Hollywood action movie, a great white shark was destroyed under the jaw of the larger fellow.

Not long after Australian marine biologists attached tracking devices to some of the great white sharks, they found one of the devices washed ashore.

Picture 1 of Big sharks eat small sharks

Great white shark - (Cut from YouTube)

The device provided some of the victims' last bloody spectacle, and based on the evidence obtained, the great white shark wearing the device was approached and torn apart by a giant animal.

But which species can kill and eat a large white shark nearly 3 meters long? A mysterious deep sea monster?

Now, the new paper argues that the most logical answer is that the shark has become the prey of another shark, according to material uploaded to YouTube.

The document, titled Super Beast Hunting, collaborated by the Smithsonian Institute (USA) and the Australian ABC station, records data on shark tracking devices and supports the shark hypothesis. shark.

Experts estimate that predators must be 5m long, weigh more than 2 tons.

Update 17 December 2018



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