Black tea can shrink cancer

Everyday a cup of green tea may help reduce the risk of developing cancer because it is rich in antioxidants that can fight harmful molecules that accumulate in the body and damage cells . Researchers found that the two cups of tea contained as much antioxidant as they used to use five servings of green vegetables or two apples. Now two American and Indian studies have found that black tea can also prevent cancer.

Picture 1 of Black tea can shrink cancer

Analysis of theaflavin-2 (TF-2) compound, which is found only in black tea and oolong tea, has been found by US scientists to stimulate the process of cancer cell destruction and to make cancer cells shrink again within 3 hours. When investigating the gene group responsible for destroying cancer cells, the researchers also discovered that TF-2 activates these genes.

The study also found that TF-2 is able to inhibit the activity of genes that produce enzymes that cause inflammation and limit the activity of other inflammatory molecules. Meanwhile, according to Indian researchers, polyphenol antioxidants in green tea and black tea can reduce the size of breast cancer tumors in mice by 77% and 92%, while inhibiting growth. of them.

Dr. Tim Bond of the Tea Advisory Organization in the UK said that the latest research results suggest that clinical trials should be conducted to assess the effects of black tea and its components on cancer in humans.