Canadian fishermen's seven-color rainbow lobster

Canadian fishermen were surprised to catch a rare rainbow of rainbow colors, one in a million.

Picture 1 of Canadian fishermen's seven-color rainbow lobster
Rainbow colored lobster.(Photo: Chad Graham).

Grind TV reported on Jan. 27, Captain Chad Graham, 32, while pulling a fishing net off Brier Island in Nova Scotia, Canada, caught a rainbow-colored lobster.

Amanda Graham, Chad's younger sister, said her brother only took a picture and immediately released the lobster to the sea because it did not meet the catch standards of the Canadian Fisheries and Oceanic Administration.

Amanda Graham revealed that she had seen blue, yellow lobster and even albino lobster, but rainbow colors like this lobster are very rare.

According to scientists, the abnormal color in shrimp shells is due to genetic changes and the probability of encountering in the wild is very low, in a million of them there is one.