'Chemical castration' - Solution for child sexual crimes

What is chemical castration? How safe is it? Everything you need to know is here.

What is chemical castration? How safe is it? Everything you need to know is here.

In the context of child sexual crimes becoming a major problem, it has been suggested that we should implement "chemical castration" for these green beards.

This proposal comes true without waiting for authorities to speak up. What we need to consider now is: what is "chemical castration", and what is the effectiveness of this option?

Chemical castration - a solution adopted by many countries

According to experts, chemical "castration" is a method of injecting (or drinking) hormones that are resistant to male sex hormone testosterone, causing testosterone levels in the body to drop to a low level, thereby reducing to the lowest level of desire. about sex.

Picture 1 of 'Chemical castration' - Solution for child sexual crimes

Chemical castration is the use of drugs to inhibit the sexual instincts of the subject.

The name may also reveal to us a part of the problem.The essence of the word "castration" is to make men and women no longer able to perform sexual instincts anymore , usually by removing the testicles or ovaries.

Similarly, chemical castration can be understood to castrate using the hormone hormone-lowering drug to the lowest level, thereby suppressing instincts and demands for it, and even thinking about it disappears. .

Perhaps thanks to that, many countries around the world have applied this punishment for child sex crimes, such as California, Georgia, Montana, and Florida. Indonesia and South Korea are the two pioneering countries of Asia applying chemical castration laws. Europe has Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland .

However, it should be understood that the drug does not work permanently ! Chemically castrated people will have to be injected every month, and they can fully recover their instincts after stopping their use. So the question is: what is the safety of this method? Is it possible for criminals to recur the desire to sin?

Why are chemical castration with sexual offenses not yet adopted by all countries?

Perhaps the reason is that actual castration has not provided evidence of 100% recidivism, while studies have also shown relatively limited evidence.The reason is partly because the moral element of medicine does not allow testing of drugs on the human body.

Picture 2 of 'Chemical castration' - Solution for child sexual crimes

Some countries have not allowed the use of chemical castration because they have not fully trusted.

In addition, some people are concerned about the irreversible side effects of the drug - including the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity . Not to mention, some drugs also carry the risk of depression or Other psychological diseases.

Update 15 December 2018



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