Chest pain, shortness of nausea, why?

Sometimes when you feel tightness in your chest, you will hardly feel nauseous, but you don't know what the cause is. Read together the common causes of this condition in the article below.

Sometimes when you feel tightness in your chest, you will hardly feel nauseous, but you don't know what the cause is. Read together the common causes of this condition in the article below.

Causes chest discomfort breathing difficulties

Due to living habits

  • Stress, anxiety: Too much work, study, exams can cause chest tightness. This case also happens to people with congenital dysfunction or congenital heart disease. As a precaution, we should keep a good mood, not engage in vigorous activity to prevent sudden pains.
  • Bad habits: Staying up late, getting up late, eating in moderation, using fast food, stimulating drinks, cigarettes, etc. are the causes of diseases such as dyslipidemia, pneumonia, liver failure. , diabetes, . and cause chest tightness. To prevent and treat disease effectively, you need to change your eating habits to protect your health.

Due to pathology

Blood sugar problems:

  • Blood lipid disorders : Blood lipid disorders are a disease that not only affects people who gain weight, are obese, but can happen to everyone. This is a condition that often shows signs of tightness in the chest and can cause a heart attack. If you are experiencing chest pain many times, each lasting from 10-15 minutes, please see a doctor quickly to be treated as soon as possible.
  • Anemia : The heart does not pump enough blood to nourish the body, causing chest tightness and shortness of breath. Anemia can be caused by sudden stop activity, eating or genetics. When this happens, it is necessary to lie down or sit for a while to regulate the heartbeat and reduce pain.
  • Vascular obstruction : Symptoms that appear when a heart block is usually fatigue, coughing, palpitations, arrhythmia.

Picture 1 of Chest pain, shortness of nausea, why?

This condition is often caused by blood sugar problems.

Heart problems:

  • Heart attack : This is a life-threatening illness caused by the sudden blockage of blood vessels that feed the heart. When the heart muscle is completely without blood supply, the muscle in the heart muscle necrosis will cause severe chest pain, shortness of breath or nausea.
  • Myocarditis : This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the heart muscle in which inflammatory cells are present simultaneously with the phenomenon of cardiac muscle death in the same cardiac muscle unit. Myocarditis can manifest under many symptoms and signs, ranging from moderate dyspnea, unresponsive chest pain with specific treatment to cardiogenic shock and death. This is also the cause of dilated cardiomyopathy with chronic heart failure.
  • Coronary artery disease : Coronary artery disease is a condition that occurs when one or more branches of the coronary artery are narrowed or obstructed by the formation of internal plaque. Arteries in our bodies, which used to be soft and elastic, are now narrower and stiffer due to the presence of plaque over time, like cholesterol and other substances that cling to the walls of blood vessels, called Atherosclerosis. As coronary artery disease progresses, blood circulation through the arteries becomes more difficult. As a result, the heart muscle cannot receive enough blood and oxygen, leading to angina, shortness of breath, . or myocardial infarction.
  • Mitral valve prolapse: Mitral valve prolapse is a condition in which the mitral valve thickens and swells into the atria. Sometimes, mitral valve prolapse leads to blood leaking backward into the left atrium leading to mitral regurgitation. In most cases, mitral valve prolapse is not life-threatening and does not require treatment.

Respiratory and lung problems:

  • Respiratory obstruction : Occurs when something foreign enters the airway makes it difficult for the patient to breathe, coughing violently, and pale face. When this happens, you must perform first aid to push the object out. Obstruction of the airways can be life-threatening, so people need to be careful.
  • Pneumonia : Pneumonia is a clinical disease caused by damage to the organization of the lungs (alveoli, ganglion and terminal bronchiectomy), such as inflamed lungs, which mainly affects small air sacs. called the alveoli. Pneumonia is often caused by infections caused by a variety of agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms such as parasites. In addition, pneumonia is also caused by toxic chemicals.
  • Bronchitis : Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial lining, caused by an infection. The bronchus is a tube that allows air to move. People with bronchitis often cough up thick mucus, which can be discolored. Sometimes, a person will experience chest tightness and shortness of breath.
  • Spasmodic bronchitis: This is a condition where the entire airway from the airways to the lungs is infected, the bronchial heart is temporarily narrowed due to edema, spasms of the bronchial muscles are inflamed. When bronchial mucosa is affected by harmful agents, inflammation occurs. This situation lasts for long, making the bronchial area swell, edema causes constriction, constriction of the airway, making it difficult for the chest tightness to breathe nausea.

Problems with the digestive system and excretion:

  • Gallstones: Gallstones are stones that form in the gallbladder or biliary tract, causing symptoms for patients such as pain in the right abdomen or epigastric region, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting. It often hurts much after eating or at night, making it difficult for the patient to sleep. Gallstones will cause many dangerous complications if the disease lasts as long as: cholecystitis, biliary obstruction, gallbladder cancer . Therefore, early detection and treatment are very important for patients.
  • Heartburn: Common symptoms of heartburn include feeling pain and burning in the chest. This condition usually occurs after a meal or in the evening. You also feel more pain when lying down or bending your body.
  • Acid reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux, also known as gastric acid reflux, is a condition of frequent or frequent reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux can be physiological, functional (does not affect the life and physical development of the body) or pathology can cause malnutrition, esophagitis, and some respiratory complications. other, even death.
  • Cholecystitis: An inflammation of the gallbladder infection, which can occur suddenly called acute cholecystitis, or recur many times called chronic cholecystitis. Cholecystitis if not handled promptly will lead to dangerous complications for humans. Acute or chronic cholecystitis is dangerous, in which acute cholecystitis is considered a surgical emergency and should be dealt with promptly.
  • Food poisoning : Acute food poisoning symptoms appear only after a few minutes, hours or within 1-2 days after being poisoned from food. Severe food poisoning can lead to death, mildly also cause fatigue, exhausted both physically and mentally for the infected person. A common symptom is chest tightness and shortness of nausea.

Picture 2 of Chest pain, shortness of nausea, why?

Sometimes food poisoning will also cause nausea and difficulty in breathing.

Treatment of chest discomfort at home nausea

Chest pain, shortness of breath, how to stop? Besides other medicines and medical treatments, healthy lifestyle changes are also one of the solutions to this condition.

  • Train yourself to a healthy lifestyle, always think positive, limit your thinking, worry excessively about a problem, spend time resting and entertaining after a long period of continuous work.
  • Limit stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, condensed tea, . Do not skip breakfast.
  • Regular exercise and exercise, at least 3 times / week, about 30-40 minutes each time will help improve your health in general and contribute to the relief of nausea and vomiting in particular. However, it is not advisable to practice heavy, competitive playing. Sports that are encouraged by experts to practice such as walking, yoga, nourishment, etc.
  • Supplement the nutrients necessary for the body.
  • It is recommended to have a general health examination every 3 months to understand the health situation as well as early detection if any.
Update 21 October 2019



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