Children talk slowly because watching movies

Educational DVDs or videos called ' Einstein's Babies ' or' Smart Young Children 'not only do not develop babies' language abilities but vice versa if overuse is too much, it slows down the process of speaking of children aged 8-16 months.

Picture 1 of Children talk slowly because watching movies To be able to publish in this shocking journal Pediatrics, the University of Washington team and Seattle Children's Research Institute randomly interviewed more than 1,000 families with children in the age of starting to speak. in Minnesota and Washington.

The researchers also investigated the television shows, DVDs and videos the children were shown and the average number of times adults read books to their children for a month. The result: every hour children watch movies for 'child prodigies' , they will lose the opportunity to learn 6-8 words compared to children who never watch movies.

The co-author, Andrew Melzoff, explains: 'Infants only stay up for a few hours during the day. If the "awakening hour" has passed before DVD and television instead of listening to parents whispering tenderness, they will not have the opportunity to absorb vocabulary '.