China banned smoking in schools

China will issue a ban on smoking in the campus area, and consider it part of a smoke-free Olympic effort.

According to Beijing Evening News, China's Ministry of Health will have a ban on smoking in all schools, from kindergarten to high school, starting on World No Smoking Day.

Picture 1 of China banned smoking in schools

Every year a million Chinese people die from smoking-related diseases(Photo: Daylife)

Recently, China has announced a ban on tobacco in most public areas in Beijing, an effort similar to that made in North America, Europe and some Asian cities. The ban will take effect from May 1, to fulfill the promise of a smoke-free Olympic.

China is a country with 350 million smokers - accounting for one third of global smokers. More than 150 cities in China have had restrictions on smoking, but Beijing is the first place to smoke in most public places.

The Chinese Ministry of Health will also work with other agencies to prevent illegal tobacco advertising, especially ads targeting young smokers.

In China, nearly 2 trillion cigarettes are consumed each year. The government estimates that 1 million Chinese people die from smoking-related diseases each year. This number could double to 2020.