Clinical significance index of medical tests

Although plasma α- amylase has a diagnostic role in determining acute pancreatitis, it has little to do with the severity and prognosis of acute pancreatitis.

α- Amylase

  1. Plasma: 20 - 220 U / L.
  2. Urine:

α-Amylase has many exocrine pancreas and salivary glands.

Plasma α- amylase activity, urine increase in acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic injury, pancreatic cancer, abdominal injuries, salivary gland inflammation (mumps), .

Although plasma α- amylase has a diagnostic role in determining acute pancreatitis, it has little to do with the severity and prognosis of acute pancreatitis.


  1. Male: 104-202 mg / dL.
  2. Female: 108-225mg / dL.

Plasma levels of Apo-AI decrease in dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease.


  1. Male: 66 - 133 mg / dL.
  2. Female: 60-117mg / dL.

Plasma concentrations of Apo-B100 increase, the risk of atherosclerosis.

Ratio of Apo-B

100 / Apo AI: <1.

The Apo-B ratio increases with the risk of atherosclerosis.

Picture 1 of Clinical significance index of medical tests


  1. Plasma: 4.2-6.4 mmol / L.
  2. Urine: negative.

Normal plasma glucose when hungry

When taking oral glucose tolerance test OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test):

  1. If the plasma glucose level at 2 hours after the test
  2. If glucose levels between 7.8 and
  3. If glucose level glucose 11.1 mmol / L is diabetes.

Plasma glucose is usually increased in type I and type II diabetes.

Plasma glucose may also increase in some other diseases such as pancreatitis, postprandial disease, thyroid disease (Basedow), brain tumors, meningitis, brain cramps, liver failure, kidney disease, etc.



HbA1c depends on erythrocyte life (120 days), so high HbA1c levels are valuable for assessing the increase in blood glucose levels during the 2-3 months prior to the time of the current test.

Blood insulin

5-20 mU / mL.

Increased when pancreatic function normally, type I diabetes, obesity.

Reduced when the pancreas is weak, diabetes type I.


3.6 - 5.2 mmol / L.

Congenital hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, high consumption of meat, eggs.

Reduce when prolonged hunger, uremia, end stage cancer, sepsis, hyperthyroidism, Basedow's disease, anemia, liver failure.


0.46-2.2 mmol / L.

Increased in primary and secondary hyperlipidemia syndrome, atherosclerosis, pathology of glycogen storage, nephrotic syndrome, pancreatitis, liver failure. If more than 11 mmol / L may lead to acute pancreatitis.

Reduction in cirrhosis, some chronic diseases, depletion, hyperthyroidism.


0.9 - 2 mmol / L.

Increased effect reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Reduction in atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, obesity, smoking.


1.8 - 3.9 mmol / L.

Increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.


2.0 - 2.8 mmol / L.

Fructosamine is formed by binding of glucose to albumin (with a half-life of about 20 days) thanks to glycosylation without enzymes.

Plasma fructosamine levels reflect blood glucose levels 2-3 weeks before the time of testing.


Urine / 24 hours.

338 - 538 mmol / 24 hours.

Urinary tumors decrease in kidney damage (increased blood urea) nephritis, eclampsia, placental bleeding, oliguria, anuria, urogenesis, liver disease, .

Urinary tract increases in protein, hyperthyroidism, thyoxin use, after surgery, high fever, high blood sugar in the early stages of diabetes.


2.5 - 7.5 mmol / L.

Blood urea decreased due to low urination, dehydration, glomerular disease, prostate tumors, liver failure, low protein diet, high diet of vegetables, severe liver damage caused the ability to produce urea from NH3. .

Blood urea increased in prolonged fever, sepsis, trauma, cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia, stones, due to high protein diet, increased protein metabolism, impaired kidney function, stagnant heart failure.


Urine / 24 hours.

5.6 -12.6 mmol / 24 hours.

Increased urine creatinine levels in gigantic hypertrophy, diabetes, infections, hypothyroidism, .

Urine creatinine levels decrease in advanced kidney disease, nephritis, leukemia, liver failure, anemia, .


53- 120 mmol / L.

Plasma creatinine levels increase in renal insufficiency, kidney damage, acute and chronic kidney infections, urinary retention, kidney failure, idiopathic hypertension, acute myocardial infarction.

Plasma creatinine concentration decreases in inflammatory edema, nephritis, liver failure.

Whole protein serum

46 - 82 g / L.

In many bone marrow tumors, severe vomiting, severe diarrhea, excessive sweating when prolonged high fever, severe low adrenal cortex, severe diabetes.

In acute or chronic nephritis, kidney failure (especially nephrotic kidney failure), loss of protein through the intestine (due to poor absorption), .


38 -51 g / L.

In dehydration, severe vomiting, severe diarrhea, .

In renal syndrome with proteinuria, severe liver diseases, fatty steatosis, chronic nephritis, burns, eczema, poor nutrition, pregnant women, the elderly, .

A / G ratio


Due to lack of or no globulin.

A decrease in the A / G ratio of Albumin reduced in malnutrition, exhaustion, tuberculosis, and cancer; increased globulin in multiple myeloma, infections, collagen disease; reduced albumin and increased globulin seen in cirrhosis, acute nephritis, fatty steatosis syndrome.

Uric acid

  1. Male 140-420 μmol / L.
  2. Female 120-380 μmol / L.

In Gout (gout), infection, pernicious anemia, polycythemia, kidney dysfunction, hyperparathyroidism.

In Wilson's disease, acute hepatic jaundice, kidney failure, .


  1. Serum: 135 -150 mmol / L.
  2. Urine / 24 hours: 152-282 mmol / 24 hours.

When eating, drinking too much salt, dehydration, heart failure, nephritis without edema, encephalitis, cardiac edema or renal edema, when treated with corticosteroids, .

In the case of high salt loss, heatstroke, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal cortex, when treating prolonged diuretics, .

Picture 2 of Clinical significance index of medical tests


3.5 -5.0 mmol / L.

In nephritis, renal insufficiency (with anuria or oliguria), xetonic diabetes, nicotine poisoning, sleeping pills, Addison- adrenal cortical insufficiency, .

When potassium deficiency is introduced into the body, abnormal potassium loss in the gastrointestinal tract: prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, narrowing of the esophagus, .


95 - 110 mmol / L.

In dehydration, excessive sodium infusion, cranial trauma, respiratory alkalosis, .

In prolonged vomiting, excessive sweating, severe burns, eating a low-salt diet, .



2.2- 2.6 mmol / L.

Urine / 24 hours

2.5 -7.5 mmol / 24 hours.

Ionized calcium

1.17 - 1.29 mmol / L.

In parathyroid glands, it is high in Vitamin D, cancer (bone, breast, bronchus), multiple bone marrow tumors.

In parathyroid glands, causing seizures, tetani, vitamin D deficiency, rickets, kidney diseases, acute pancreatitis, osteoporosis, osteoporosis, .


  1. Bilirubin TP: 3 - 17 μmol / L.
  2. LH bilirubin (TT): 0.1 - 4.2 μmol / L.
  3. Bilirubin TD (GT): 3-13.6 μmol / L.

Plasma plasma bilirubin increases in cases of jaundice due to: hemolysis, hepatitis, biliary obstruction.

Plasma bilirubin TD increases in pre-hepatic jaundice: hemolysis (hemolytic anemia, malaria, transmission of wrong blood, jaundice in newborns).

LH bilirubin increased in hepatic and post-hepatic jaundice: hepatitis, biliary obstruction, cirrhosis.


(C reactive protein: reactive protein C)

0-6 mg / L.

Serum CRP increased in acute inflammatory reactions such as myocardial infarction, embolism, infection, chronic diseases such as arthropathy, enteritis, as well as in some cancers such as Hodgkin's disease, K kidney.

CRP is also a test to assess the severity and prognosis of acute pancreatitis, CRP ≥150 mg / L is severe acute pancreatitis.


200 - 480 U / L.

LDH is abundant in the heart, liver and muscles.

Plasma LDH activity increases in myocardial infarction, myocarditis, severe arrhythmia, heart injury or heart surgery.


25 - 220 U / L.

CK has a lot in muscle.

Plasma CK activity increases in myocardial infarction, myocarditis, angina, severe arrhythmia, heart injury or heart surgery.


1 - 25 U / L.

CK-MB is a CK isoenzyme, found in the heart muscle.

Plasma CK-MB activity increases in acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, angina, severe arrhythmia, heart injury or heart surgery.


10 - 40 U / L.

Multiple cytoplasmic ALT enzymes of liver cells.

Increased plasma ALT activity in biliary liver disease: acute hepatitis, especially viral hepatitis of types A, B, C, D, E, parasitic infections (liver fluke), alcohol poisoning, poisonous mushrooms , food poisoning.


10 - 37 U / L.

AST enzymes are abundant in both cytoplasm and mitochondria of liver, heart and muscle cells.

Active plasma AST (> ALT) in myocardial infarction.

Activity of plasma AST increased in myopathy (muscular dystrophy, myositis, myoglobin pepper) and other diseases such as dermatitis, acute pancreatitis, intestinal injury, pulmonary infarction, renal infarction, cerebral infarction .


  1. Male: 4.9-11.5 kU / L.
  2. Female: 3.9-10.8 kU / L.

ChE in plasma is synthesized by the liver.

Plasma chE activity decreases in liver failure, cirrhosis (due to reduced liver synthesis), poisoning of pesticides or organic phosphorus.

GGT (g-GT)

5 - 45 U / L.

GGT is abundant in the liver, secreted by biliary epithelial cells.

Plasma GGT activity increases when inducible epithelial epithelial cells increase the synthesis of enzymes such as biliary obstruction, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cell damage.

Picture 3 of Clinical significance index of medical tests


  1. Male
  2. Female

GLDH is found only in the mitochondria of the cell, which is abundant in the liver.

Plasma GLDH activity increases due to severe damage to liver cells such as severe hepatitis, hepatocellular necrosis, and tissue hypoxia.

IL-6 (Interleukine-6)

IL-6 plays a key intermediary role in the synthesis of acute phase proteins, including CRP, fibrinogen,?, IL-6 has a half-life of 2 hours.

Increased serum levels of IL-6 play a role in assessing levels, prognosis, local complications or organ failure of acute pancreatitis.


7 - 59 U / L.

Lipase is produced by pancreas, a little by the stomach, duodenum, liver and tongue.

The plasma lipase activity increases with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

Microalbumin urinary

Microalbuminuria is worth monitoring for early kidney complications in patients with diabetes and hypertension.




0.6 - 3mg / L


β2-Microglobulin is present on most cells.

  1. The concentration of β2-M plasma increases in renal failure, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Waldenstron's disease, Kahler's disease, scattered lupus erythematosus, cirrhosis, progressive chronic hepatitis.
  2. The concentration of β2-M urine increases in reducing renal tubular reabsorption, heavy metal toxicity, and interstitial nephritis, before acute graft rejection.

Coombs solution

Available in anemia, hemolysis in newborns.

Anemia, autoimmune hemolysis.

Anemia, blood transfusion due to blood transfusions, blood transfusions of donors and recipients


64-306 U / L.

ALP is abundant in the liver, bones, placenta and intestinal epithelium. Therefore, normally, plasma ALP activity is also increased in growing children and pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Plasma ALP activity increases in osteoporosis, rickets, bone tumors, mending fractures, hepatitis, biliary obstruction, cirrhosis.


  1. Male: 28-72 µg / L.
  2. Female: 25-58 µg / L.

Myoglobin is a protein in the cytoplasm of the heart muscle and skeletal muscle. Myoglobin plays a role in transporting and storing oxygen in muscle cells.

Myoglobin concentration increased very early (after 2 hours) in acute myocardial infarction, in recurrent myocardial infarction Plasma myoglobin concentration peaked at 4-12 hours and returned to normal level after 24 hours.

Increased levels of myogolbin may also occur after musculoskeletal damage and severe renal failure.


72-182 U / L.

Because α-HBDH has a long half-life (4-5 days), the increase in plasma isooenzym activity of α-HBDH lasts, which helps diagnose myocardial infarction in patients who come late examination


Plasma concentration of TnI increases with damage to the heart muscle (myocardial infarction).


Plasma TnT levels are elevated when heart muscle damage (myocardial infarction).


50-75 years old

> 75 years old> 220pmol / L.

Plasma NT-ProBNP concentration increases in excess of the cut-off values ​​corresponding to ages, is valid for diagnosis of heart failure, acute coronary syndrome (with very high negative diagnostic values, reaching 97-100). %).


(Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine, Calcium, Ionized Calcium)

Electrolyte disorders in kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, convulsions, dehydration? hypocalcemia.


Coagulation disorders, liver, joints.

Peptide C

0.2-0.6 mmol / L.

C-peptide is formed by hydrolysis of proinsulin into insulin, when the pancreas's β cells are active.

Decreased levels of peptide C in cases of pancreatic dysfunction or inactive (type I diabetes).

PCT (Procalcitonin)

PCT has a half-life of 24 hours. PCT increases rapidly after 2 hours of infection and reaches a maximum after 24 hours, then decreases if the infection status improves.

PCT is a specific marker for bacterial infection and septicemia.

PCT can be used in diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of bacterial infection.