Close-up of cosmic vampires

A multinational research team has just caught the moment when there is a white dwarf

A multinational research team has just caught a moment of having no 1, when a "vampire" devoured a giant neighbor to explode into a supernova.

A group of up to 130 international astronomers has released spectacular graphics based on the real visual group they observed about the violent death of a celestial body they nicknamed "vampires." Space".

Using NASA word data, combining additional data from terrestrial telescopes located in Chile and the island of Hawaii, the team filtered out images of a brilliant light about 170 million light-years away. , name is SN 2018oh.

Picture 1 of Close-up of cosmic vampires

Close up of the cosmic vampire "sucking blood" the giant star next to it - (photo: NASA).

The most interesting example is the last phase before the object turns into a supernova - the term used to describe the last minute of a star's explosion before it dies. This object was originally an old white dwarf and a frightening "vampire" belonging to a neighboring galaxy with us.

Through the image of reconstruction, the team described how this white dwarf mercilessly devoured the neighboring young star, an object much larger than it. It sucked blood from its neighbors like Dracula vampire sucking blood from young girls.

However, after a material attraction from the nearby star, cosmic vampires exploded into a supernova. According to calculations, the supernova takes 3 weeks to reach its maximum brightness before entering a phase of decline.

According to Dr. Brad Tucker (Australian National University), the research team member, the exciting event is just to see. Supernovae with strong, observable light from Earth help astronomers have more data to measure the distance to mother galaxies that own the supernova, which is important in the measurement.

The research has just been published in the Astrophysical Journal and Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Update 18 December 2018



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