Reviewing the legacy of NASA's planetary hunter Kepler with new algorithms, scientists found 18 buried Earth-sized planets at the same time.

A multinational research team has just caught the moment when there is a white dwarf

There are two new exoplanets named EPIC 211964830b in turn and c unexpectedly entered the scientific world.

Research by American scientists shows that the conditions on the planet Kepler-62f at 1,200 light-years from Earth are very favorable for development.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) today announced the discovery of the Kepler Space Telescope about more than 4,000 planets outside the solar system.

With today's science and technology, the answer is ... 26 million years.

The Kepler space telescope detected a planet with a hard surface like the globe, but its size was 17 times larger than our planet.

Beginning later this month, scientists at NASA's Ames Research Center will deploy Kepler's next mission.

American scientists hypothesize that aliens do not communicate with radio waves but use lasers to transmit data. Scientists hope to find evidence for this hypothesis soon.

The newly discovered planet, named Kepler-37b, is only slightly larger than the Moon and takes 13 days to complete an orbit around its star.