Coffee machine according to the order from the phone

US-based Briggo Technologies has launched a Coffee Haus system - a coffee kiosk that allows customers to order drinks on their cell phones.

Coffee Haus combines precision engineering and smartphone-based control with the coffee mix that Briggo says will "revolutionize the way coffee is served ."

Picture 1 of Coffee machine according to the order from the phone

This allows pre-ordering in real time, meaning that users can use their phones or tablets to order a cup of coffee. The navigation system will help the customer select the nearest kiosk, see the waiting time before order, in order to save time.

Meanwhile, the home page of the system will allow customers to completely control the process of using the service, including sharing their social experience and evaluating the quality of the drink through feedback. Until you get the right coffee.

Once the customer has a cup of coffee as expected, the system will remember and continue to offer products with the same taste.

Briggo plans to launch Coffee Haus to hospitals, airports, schools and companies throughout the United States from now until the end of the year.