Cold-blooded animals are able to adapt quickly to climate change

Facing climate change, many species must adapt themselves or perish. Ecologists have studied and predicted that tropical cold-blooded animals are not as easily extinct as one might think.

Facing climate change, many species must adapt themselves or perish.Ecologists have studied and predicted that tropical cold-blooded animals are not as easily extinct as one might think.

Picture 1 of Cold-blooded animals are able to adapt quickly to climate change

Lizard cold blood species can adapt quickly to rising temperatures due to climate change

The study was carried out by ecologists at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), focusing on the ability of animals to grow and evolve at elevated temperatures.

According to the team leader, predicting the fate of any species is difficult but necessary to conserve biodiversity and manage natural resources in the context of climate change.

In the old models of extinction prediction, it is not considered the adaptive capacity of the species and therefore the results of this study help group the ability to build a forecasting model. evolution.

Cold-blooded animals are not like other tropical animals that have low body temperature, leading to a high risk of extinction when temperatures rise under the effects of climate change.

Update 16 December 2018



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